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    [1.7.10] Wanderlust Reloaded - Questing Adventure [Magic-Tech] [HQM - over 250 Quests] [Tabula Rasa]

    obsidian sword + sharpness V book in an anvil crashes the game and eats the sword and the book. repeated it to be sure and yes now wonderlust has easten 2 obsidian swords and 2 sharpness v books
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    ftb direwolf 20 1.7.10 what is the wrecking enchant for?
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    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    Blast Off version 1.1.10 may be broken. Lots of missing mods and items. some of the ones I had to replace were Ticon, radixcore, steves factory manager. Unless this is a pack update that requires a new world? EDIT: uh oh no more free non educational wikis. And thats where the factory manager...
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    Ender IO and Witchery

    I guess I shoulda said what pack I was on. Direwolf20 latest version minecraft 1.7.10
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    Ender IO and Witchery

    Why don't the Farming Station support Witchery trees. For that much does it support the plats too? Edit: as it turns out MFR wont harvest or plant them either. So i'm guessing its part of Withcery mod that wont alloy auto harvest due to ents?
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    [1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

    still cant get a download from the 3rd party packs menue. Guess I'll try a manual install
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    1.0.2: BeeKeeping Energy Problems

    didn't for me but its cool. in honor of it finaly working i made a pretty neat bee lab lol,Aq3tG4k,DI38vJb,sJrElId,LHtuKrv,pduTCsZ,Wl7kX8u,NcImXtc#0
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    1.0.2: BeeKeeping Energy Problems

    it seems in the direwolf20 pack v. 1.0.3 all issues with the machines have been fixed. Other than accepting rf. Which we have worked around with extra utils. I have been piping fluids around with ender IO. The polymeriser seemed to not accept dna until I piped in the bacteria
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    [1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

    EDIT SPOILER FAIL SORRY. keeps crashing uplon loading/installing. Mod Pack never launches [/spoiler]
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    1.0.1: Can't make liquid resin (from Binnie Core)

    old i know but without resin you cant make wood polish to use in the woodworker and glass worker. I wish I knew how to fix/finish binnies codes while he is away
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    1.0.2: BeeKeeping Energy Problems

    ok time to read up on minetweeker as I have never done that before
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    1.0.2: BeeKeeping Energy Problems

    just got the same issue. I know this is kinda an old thread but has there been any resolve?
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    {Alpha} Unstable Pack: Bug Reports

    found the problem. the owner was adding plugins and forget to set perms lol
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    {Alpha} Unstable Pack: Bug Reports

    server updated to 1.0.8 today and now i cant open chests,books,crafting tables. Inv. auto sorts its self every time i try to use it and removes items from hot bar.
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    FTB Monster ME Controller bug

    Its is chunk loaded I guess I should have mentioned that
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    FTB Monster ME Controller bug

    problem : ME controller shuts down and will not work until replaced after leaving the area. Yes the base is chunkloaded (chickenchunks kind) Yes I removed extra cells mod from my system Yes I have a Quantum field link to another base No it only...
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    FTB Monster rotarycraft fermenter issues

    just put a lever on the face..... worked perfectly thanks
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    FTB Monster rotarycraft fermenter issues

    Thanks for the replays and I'll check into it and get back to you