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    [1.7.10] Binnie Patcher

    Thanks so much for this Chocohead!
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    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Minetweaker is super easy, just read the wiki. Also, here is the Agricraft specific modtweaker info: It has lots of examples.
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    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Just to let you know, rolling back PMP isn't really an option these days considering the author only keeps the latest versions online. Older versions are a bit difficult to find.
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    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Sorry if this is a little out of line, but may I request a status report on the next update? I would like to update Plant Mega Pack but the newer version still crashes with Agricraft. Also it might be worth noting that 10paktimbits deletes old versions of Plant Mega Pack when he releases new...
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    StarMiner, that crazy gravity swapping planet mod, now has modpack permissions in English:
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    No, you still need a few dirty workaround fixes. To re-add fence recipes, use this mod: To make those fence recipes show up in NEI, use my minetweaker script: To make machines actually craftable...
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    cLOcKwORk PhaSe - Time magic all wrapped up in brass

    Hey I'm actually working on a Time Travel based challenge pack called Chronometry. I'm totally adding this, I can think of some awesome ways to weave it in to quests.
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    I did something like that in my private modpack, but using @dmillerw 's Quadrum, CoFHCore, and minetweaker. Edit: I also used @ganymedes01 's AOBD, it practically did all the work for me once I registered the ores to the oredictionary. I love...
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    Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

    It was a really nice mod. He was working on it A LOT right before he decided to quit and pull all download links. He just finished making every single aspect of the mod configurable through the in-game configs.
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    I don't know how many people noticed, but Plant Mega Pack is officially dead as of yesterday. And the forum topic is now closed, with all download links removed. :(
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    That's just my personal config, I have most links going to the atlwiki because my private pack is on the atlauncher. I did include some official ftb wiki links for some things. :P
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Cool new mod made by my friend Macc188: IGD - In-game documentation Really simple mod which gives you links to mod documentation when you type /docs mod. For instance, /docs thaum would give you links to any mods starting with 'thaum'. I currently have this system set up on my private server...
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Damn, I thought this was going to be the one for RV1 on 1.7.10.
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    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Here are some fantastic alternate Gregtech 1.7 textures:
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    MPS Support Thread

    Hi I'm running FTB 1.5.2 beta with gregtech and I've set the recipe to use IC2 parts, but everyone on my server sees the gregtech parts. I thought the server configs were supposed to override the client configs. Just wondering if there is any way to fix this other than forcing everyone to edit...
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    Universal Electricity Mod Pack

    Why is the Power Tools mod not included in v9?