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  1. C

    In game documentation for computercraft peripherals (special open peripheral support)

    One of the features of the program is supposed to allow users to view the amounts of different items in their AE system. This is done by entering the following chat commands whilst wearing terminal glasses linked to a bridge connected to the computer by peripheral cables: $$addmon $$the id of...
  2. C

    In game documentation for computercraft peripherals (special open peripheral support)

    Here's what I've managed to do so far: I'm thinking of doing a post on this but I'm new to this forum, is this the kind of thing that belongs in mod discussion?
  3. C

    Mod Release: OpenPeripheral

    I just realised I had been replying to the wrong post. 0\
  4. C

    Mod Release: OpenPeripheral

    I finally got the first version working: do you think it is worth doing a post on? I do plan to add more features.
  5. C

    Mod Release: OpenPeripheral

    thanks for the help guys, here's what I've managed so far: I've not got it to work yet, the program terminates when I type in the quantity I want.
  6. C

    Mod Release: OpenPeripheral

    I'm playing on ftb TPPI and for some reason the terminal glasses module does not appear in the tinker table. Does anybody have any idea why that could be or what I an do about it?
  7. C

    In game documentation for computercraft peripherals (special open peripheral support)

    I received the error: cannot serialize table with recursive workarounds.
  8. C

    In game documentation for computercraft peripherals (special open peripheral support)

    I tried and I got the error cannot serialize table with recursive entries.
  9. C

    In game documentation for computercraft peripherals (special open peripheral support)

    Firstly I am not sure how to read the tables, and secondly I am not sure what data is being stored in the table representing itemstack.
  10. C

    In game documentation for computercraft peripherals (special open peripheral support)

    I've looked at the pastebin. it's not really what I need. It's the table representing representing item stack I don't get.
  11. C

    In game documentation for computercraft peripherals (special open peripheral support)

    does anyone have any tips on how to use the AE methods in OP, particularly insertItem, extractItem and getAvailableItems, I've tried using openp/docs but it hasn't really helped. I don't really get lua tables.
  12. C

    Big Reactors

  13. C

    Big Reactors

    If I were to use resonant ender as a moderator, am I able to use flowing blocks or is it only source blocks that can contribute for TE fluids?
  14. C

    [1.6.4] TPPI (Test Pack Please Ignore) - Reddit Pack - Public Beta

    I just tried that I got: Error: unable to create Java virtual machine Error: a fatal exception occurred. Program will exit.
  15. C

    [1.6.4] TPPI (Test Pack Please Ignore) - Reddit Pack - Public Beta

    anything I can do besides getting more RAM?
  16. C

    [1.6.4] TPPI (Test Pack Please Ignore) - Reddit Pack - Public Beta

    I downloaded the pack yesterday, when ever I load the console runs for a while and then I crash, here's my crash report: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Hi. I'm Minecraft, and I'm a crashaholic. Time: 13/05/14 20:39 Description: Registering texture java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at...