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  1. C

    [1.7.10] Technofirma - The Original Terrafirmacraft Modpack

    Hey guys! Cool server! I played for a little while early this morning, but now whenever I try to login to the server, I get a 'Timed Out' message. I've got the newest version (downloaded it for the first time this morning) and the green checkmark on the server page shows my version's compatible...
  2. C

    Whitelist Server Empyrean DireWolf20 1.7 | Minimum Plugins | No griefing | No banned Items

    IGN: carakuso Age: 38 Why would you like to join?: Need a new server. The one I was playin on just disappeared without a trace... :( What do you feel you could contribute to the server: I'm an excellent builder (although, it usually takes me FOREVER to finish my more involved builds), have been...
  3. C

    Whitelist Server Beat The Beast dw20 1.0.1 whitelisted small community(1.7.10)Nothing banned,fast response

    IGN: carakuso AGE: 38. Jeez, I'm old! >.< WHERE YOU'RE FROM: From Jersey but in North Carolina. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED: Nope WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU: You should whitelist me because I've been playin modded minecraft since before the Technic launcher even had a proper launcher, have...
  4. C

    Yeah, DW20's been down for at least a few days now. I thought it mighta been due to an impendin...

    Yeah, DW20's been down for at least a few days now. I thought it mighta been due to an impendin upgrade to 1.7, but the website's down also. :( Everythin okay, man?
  5. C

    Whitelist Server Hideout Kingdom [Dw20 1.0.23][24/7][40Slots][Plugins][Whitelisted]

    Server's been down for a few days... :( I was hopin it was due to an impendin upgrade to 1.7, but the website's down also. Everything okay guys?
  6. C

    Whitelist Server Hideout Kingdom [Dw20 1.0.23][24/7][40Slots][Plugins][Whitelisted]

    IGN: carakuso Age: 37 How long have you been playing minecraft?: Since 1.8 Beta Have you ever been banned?: Nope Do you know how to use TeamSpeak?: Kinda, but my mic is broken at the moment. :( Are you youtuber? If so, what is your channel?: No, I'd kinda like to, but I'd need a waaaaay better...
  7. C

    Whitelist Server Hysteria Unleashed | DW20 1.6.4/1.0.16 | Whitelist | No Lag | Survival | TeamSpeak3 | MyTown

    Question: Is the default worldgen on purpose? I played for a while and noticed I hadn't run across any BOP biomes at all. :(
  8. C

    Whitelist Server Hysteria Unleashed | DW20 1.6.4/1.0.16 | Whitelist | No Lag | Survival | TeamSpeak3 | MyTown

    Minecraft IGN - carakuso Age - 37 (Yeesh! I forget I'm THAT old! Thanks fer remindin me! ;P ) Gender - Male What you are looking for in a server - Freedom & maturity! I don't mind a few worldbreakin items bein banned, but nerfin the world because some eight-year-olds can't secure their areas...