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  1. Goof

    Open Huge TPS issue in RFTools dimensions.

    Summary of the problem Huge TPS issue in RFTools dimensions. Pack Version 3.0.13b What is the bug? I have non - void dimensions enabled for my SF 3.0.13b server. When trying to move around in the dimension, TPS on the server quickly drops to 2-3 TPS. Seems to happen more severely in...
  2. Goof

    [1.7.10][Reactorcraft V2] Fusion reactor maxed out? Try this.

    After much tinkering in creative trying in vain to get the plasma to behave, I worked out that the toroid magnet rings need cooling. This wasn't before I had a lot of plasma flow straight through anything and everything it touched. This gave me an idea, can you run plasma through the side of...