Search results

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server MineMadness | [Direwolf20][1.4.6][Dedicated]| Whitelisted | Full Survival |English and French|Mature

    Your Age:17 Your experience with the modpack: Experienced with BC and IC2 (with gregtech) For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Been playing vanilla since Beta 1.2_01. Tekkit since it came out. FTB since the main Beta pack came out Why would you want to join our server: Been...
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    Whitelist Server Phun Server | Direwolf20 v5.1.1 | 20 Slots | Whitelist | No Lag | TS3

    IGN:Aesify Age:17 Previous Mod Experience?:Experienced with BC and IC2 (with gregtech) Additional Info?: I have been playing mindcrack pack mainly but wanted to start on DW20 too so looking for a nice server to settle in
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    Whitelist Server [1.4.6]|{InfinityMC}|Mindcrack|Whitelist|100 Slots 8gb Ram|New Server!

    Ingame Name:Aesify Age:17 Mod Experience: Played technic for long time. Experienced with IC2, BC, Thaumcraft, Redpower in FTB About Yourself:I am from Turkey, been playing games my whole life i am just all out friendly, like helping other ppl out How long have you played minecraft?:Since Beta...
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    IGN: Aesify Age: 17 Whitelist link: Why do you want to join the server: I am looking for a server with small community to play on not worrying about every little thing (and your servers ping is really low which is...
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    Whitelist Server Forgotten Beast | v8.2 | Small Community | Mature (18+)

    Minecraft name: Aesify Age: 17 Rough playtime with timezone: 3-5 h per day GMT+2 Why you would like to join: I am looking for a server to play on but most of the servers are US so ping issues your one seems nice so i would love to give it a try
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    Small FTB server needs active members.

    IGN:Aesify 16+ Age?:Y - 17 Agree to the rules?:Y
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    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    Posted on the website aswell
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    Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

    Age:17 In-game Name: Aesify Have you fully read and understood the rules?:Yes i have Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Why play alone when you can have a friendly community to play in and socialize in Why do you want to join us?: I love the modpacks and i am looking for a small community...
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    ShiftedPlay FTB [FTB Pack A, 1.4.2] [White List] [Survival]

    IGN:Aesify 16+ Age?:Yes,I'm 17 Agree to the rules?:Yes
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    Nessaja FTB | [1.4.2]FTBBETA_A | Whitelist | 20Slots | dedicated DE | prebuild OW "Eldaria"

    Age:17 Experience with Minecraft:Have been playing for long time experienced with redstone circuits Experience with FTB (mods in general):I know the ones that were in Tekkit aswell but not the unique ones Name 3 things you could be banned for: Being intentionally rude, Griefing, Items of mass...
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    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    Age:16 Mod experience: experienced in Tekkit and Vanilla new to FTB tho ever been banned before: no :p Your 3 favorite bands: I listen pretty much anything. Your three favorite movies: Original star wars trilogy, all LoTR movies, Avengers, BTTF, Hunger games-Harry potter (I enjoyed to books more...