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  1. D

    Formatting SSD for Performance on Linux

    Short answer: EXT4, XFS, or BTRFS. FAT, NTFS, are windows based and will not perform as well. You also want to enable TRIM.
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    Problem Server shuts down on startup

    create a .bat or shell file to start the server that contains: java -jar my_server.jar (or whatever your jar name is) pause this will prevent the window from closing instantly and will let you read what it's doing. Alternately you can do java -jar my_server.jar >> error.txt then open...
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    [Request][HELP] Ram for run a server

    490mb is what's actually in use for java running at that instantaneous moment of time. The 102 is what is reported within the server gui and as such is only a slight litmus on what is going on. I set xmx and xms as well as several other settings I've tweaked specifically to my server, some...
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    Cant get any other ram batch file to run

    Invalid maxium heap size: -Xmx6g the specified size exceeds the maximum representable size This means you don't have 6g it can use.
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    Problem Server shuts down on startup

    First thing would be to remove the IP as that's probably your issue. You most likely have it set to the wrong IP address.
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    [Request][HELP] Ram for run a server

    If you set your java flags right you can run 5 people on 500meg. With no one logged in my server uses 60mb or ram. Java uses 445. That's with approximately 100 chunks loaded with world anchors and quarry's across several dimensions. With one logged in server jumps to 102mb, with 490 to...
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    Johnleys fast and easy Server Setup Guide.

    I've found, on multiple boxes that using java -Xms256M -Xmx4G -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:-UseParallelGC -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=16m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -jar FTB-Beta-A.jar greatly improves performance, more so than the typically flags that people reference. Even using 2g or less memory I...
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    Noob Server questions

    1) It will work ok, the biggest issue will probably be the harddrive seek time but you should't see many problems with 5 people. 2) Install the client. 3) You have to install them if you add them manually I believe. (Not sure on this one) 4) You don't need to start a new world unless you want...
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    Chunks are reseting after server crash.

    If it's crashing it's not writing the data out correctly or something is correupted in the crash. Your best bet is to run /save-all often and see if that helps.
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    Friend cant connect to my goddamn FTB server!!!

    First off, I'd say tone down the language. It probably makes people not want to help you in the slightest as you're acting highly immature. Also, did they accidentally update their client to a newer client version? This has been an issue in the past 24 hours.
  11. D

    Failed to bind to port?

    No, You give your friends that IP. That's your external IP address. Your internal should be either 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x if you haven't messed with router settings. You forward from the router, to IP 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x You are correct about the port however.
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    Failed to bind to port?

    You need to forward your router to your internal IP address. You can get this by running ipconfig or ifconfig from the command line, depending on your OS. If the computer is on the same computer as your client, you can connect with localhost, or with the IP address from above. If you...
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    Failed to bind to port?

    To simplfy what's happening: You have a phone number you want to ring to your phone in your house, but you're trying to setup the system using the sidewalk outside, not the actual address of your house.
  14. D

    Server Crash.

    Ok, that explains a lot, your java environment isn't in your run. Next step is to locate your executable and do <path to java>\java -version if that works <path to java>\java -Xms512M -Xmx2G -jar FTB-Beta-A.jar
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    Server Crash.

    What about java -version
  16. D

    Server Crash.

    What happens if you open a command line in the FTB server directory and type the command in manually?
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    Server Crash.

    Launch the server using this in a shell file or a .bat file: java -Xms512M -Xmx2G -jar FTB-Beta-A.jar
  18. D

    Failed to bind to port?

    Yes: this line: server-ip= set it to server-ip= With no space after the = sign or set it to your address.
  19. D

    Server Crash.

    That would be part of your issue. The default run state is something like 512M allocated.
  20. D

    FTB Server on a Mac

    I'm not a shell script guru, but it should be pretty straight forward to create one. Open your text edit and put this pulled from Wiki: #!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")" exec java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar save the file as something like start.command or in the...