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  1. D

    [Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

    Yaaay! That's good to know! :) Once it will be released, I will test it out to see if the length of the strings don't overflow over the buttons or many parts of the GUI. If it occurs, then I'll surely update it. Now, I'll move on and do my best to release my translations over the many mods out...
  2. D

    [Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

    Well, I couldn't edit my file on the web interface of my fork for I don't know what reasons (but it's kind of annoying when you realized a mistake and want to update the file) and I don't know how to commit or update locally in GitHub on my computer but as I could see, it's all about command...
  3. D

    [Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

    Alright, thanks a lot again, and sorry if talking about GitHub here is a bit off-topic. And what about the text encoding thing? Most of language files, for instance, require UTF-8 (without BOM) format, some others need ANSI or even a specific encoding format. How is it handled? EDIT: Okay...
  4. D

    [Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

    Okay, I didn't see how I could add files, but I could create a new one and copy/paste from the source file. Now, once I'm done, at the bottom, I can either "Commit directly to the master brancth" or "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.", I'm supposing I have to pick the...
  5. D

    [Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

    Alright, thanks! I'm going to give it a try. :)
  6. D

    [Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

    Thanks for the replies! :) I am indeed not experienced with Git, but I'd like to learn it, because I have tons of mods I've translated and I'd like to contribute these translations to the FTB community. I can understand it's some kind of SVN thing, but I have no idea how to submit and commit the...
  7. D

    [Language] French Quebec (Québécois)

    Hello! I'd like to help the FTB team to translate the launcher for the French Quebec language. I already had altered the enUS localization file before and still have it, but I don't know if it has been updated yet since the "locale" folder is now gone and unused, and if I try to use it again...
  8. D

    Myrathi's Mod Compendium

    Hello! Do you plan to make the possibility to translate your mods? You know, with the "lang" folder. Thanks for your reply!
  9. D

    FTB Translation questions

    Hello everyone! My apologies if this isn't the right place to post this. I've translated most of the mods in the Direwolf20 1.6.4 modpack v1.0.14 in french Canadian. Notably, these mods: And I'd like to contribute my huge effort to the french canadian FTB community by sending all the...
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    MPS Support Thread

    What about my problem I mentioned earlier?
  11. D

    MPS Support Thread

    I don't know if it has been reported before, but all the items in MMMPowersuits are all messed up, having wrong icons: I'm using Direwolf20_1_5 v1.1.1. Optine is installed, BUT the new font engine has been disabled. I...
  12. D

    Hello everyone! DragonsLover here!

    Hey there, FTB fans and players! DragonsLover here! :) I've been a FTB player since a while ago and I'm still new to some mods the packs offer. However, I enjoyed discovering some of these and I'm still finding new things everytime I play. I've also played Minecraft since the Beta, I don't...