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  1. H

    1.5.1 Beta Pack: Are U Looking Forward To It?

    Ugh, Metallurgy. I tried, REALLY tried to like the mod. Eventually it ended up being the same issue for me as GregTech: It adds progression purely for the sake of having progression, and makes a mess of things to do it. Tinker's Construct is much more the sort of mod that I had hoped Metallurgy...
  2. H

    1.5.1 Beta Pack: Are U Looking Forward To It?

    I find the IC2 machines are still useful for their potential processing speed. Given infinite renewable power, which is fairly fun to work towards anyway, why not drop a ton of upgrades into each device?
  3. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I'm really hoping we get an advanced lab assistant golem takes essential phials from a chest and restocks jars with the same aspect, but doesn't dump into empty jars. That would make the lab helper army complete!
  4. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I believe that shouldn't happen, it should fill the first Ignis jar before starting on a second. I also tend to only keep out the jars I want them working on, and let them fill a Diamond Chest with phials of excess Essentia. You can store more Essentia in less space by leaving them in the phials...
  5. H

    Tree Breeding (Spoilers)

    Um. What I want is to breed an Apple Oak with Triple Saplings, Normal yield, Highest Sappiness, Fastest maturity, and Apple fruits. That should be possible. So, I learned I was wrong about crossbreeding a species with itself. I just needed to give it more patience. That will help significantly...
  6. H

    Tree Breeding (Spoilers)

    So, i'm trying to make uber Apple Oaks to rock my biofuel set-up in a Arboreteum (yes, I know, Steve's Carts, but I'm giving myself a challenge) and I'm pretty much spinning my wheels. With bee breeding, it seems a fairly clear path to add a trait from one bee species to another. With trees, it...
  7. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I started my Biofuel set-up with a multiblock Arboretum to produce apples and saplings. I found I needed a Peat Bog to turn the sand back into dirt. I was then able to use the peat to make ash, and the ash to both make compost and double apatite to fertilizer conversion rate. With Thaumic Bees...
  8. H

    Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

    Thank you for the update and the candor.
  9. H

    Easy way to drain liquid transposer?

    wooden waterproof pipe -> void waterproof pipe, power the wooden with a redstone engine and only turn on the lever when you want the machine emptied.
  10. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Another good way is with Gates. Set up a Gold gate to detect when the specific item you want inputted to this machine is not present (or an Iron gate to detect when the inventory is empty in general) and output a pipe wire signal. Set a gate on the wooden pipe, connect the two with pipe wire...
  11. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Perhaps. I've seen many flower type serums, but no flowering speed. Ah well, it's not like I'm going to run out of drones. *EDIT* Apparently I just needed to come complain. There's my Fast Flowering serum.
  12. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is it possible for the Isolator from Extra Bees to extract a Pollination Speed serum? I've been through quite a number of drones without pulling one yet.
  13. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Buildcraft's Filler. Might need multiple runs. Will need a huge source of the fill material. Best used with a significant source of MJ power.
  14. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Iron tank walls actually use the same texture as Iron Blocks, so filling in the gaps between tanks is simple if expensive.
  15. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    You'll need to leave one space between the tanks.
  16. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    You need to right-click with the wrench, and only the electric wrench has a 100% safe mode (which also consumes a lot more power). You can activate electric wrench safe mode by holding 'm' and right-clicking the air with it.
  17. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Wow, thanks for the detailed explanation Omicron, that's definitely above and beyond. Now I'm wondering if it's easier with the wind turbines. I'm going to be giving your Blutricity guide a thorough read.
  18. H

    burned out, help?

    The problem is one of perception. For example, I see an automated arcane bore firing Frame mining ship as awesome. You seem to see it as inefficient compared to the BC quarry. And yes, it is less efficient. That's not the point. You're playing to win a game you can't beat.
  19. H

    burned out, help?

    3-4 days is a very inexact measurement. How many hours are you playing those days? I imagine it's easy if you've practiced and refined your play efficiency. I know that I don't hit infinite everything in three to four days, and I probably game more than the average player. I'm sure I could play...
  20. H

    burned out, help?

    You've been given the best lego set ever, and all of the mods just give you tools to let you build more cool things. The point of the game is not resource collection, but project completion. Build a biofuel plant that produces enough EU to output 1 UU Matter per second. Spread your base out and...