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  1. X

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Check out this guy's OpenComputers program for it. Apparently he can get well in excess of 1MRF/t. As for your second question, I'm afraid I have no idea.
  2. X

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    Indeed. I think I tried every order but it wouldn't work. Perhaps I was misreading the tooltips or something. Possible major bug encountered. Has anyone else witness this issue? At times, my ME system will "disconnect" itself and only show my craftable items. Very occasionally after this...
  3. X

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    My only suggestion would be to downgrade your Java, or downgrade the mods you updated, etc. When you find the culprit, re-update everything else (one at a time) then investigate and report.
  4. X

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    Yeah, I'd figured that. However, when I used a biome controller, it just showed a warning. Should be appropriate number of biomes followed by controller, yeah? Either way, I hadn't found a jungle biome in the overworld and needed some ocelots. Fortunately, I spawned a random biome world and got...
  5. X

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    Indeed they are, as I watched that video you linked and it reminded me the dimlet workbench was a thing. Currently working on acquiring all of the required essences. As for the Endermen, I don't think my WOOT farm is gathering them... Will need to throw the Enderman Controller back on there...
  6. X

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    Hmm. I spent about three hours yesterday hunting for dimlets in a flat world with loads of huts. Not got many useful ones. As for the mob farm, I thought dimlets didn't drop from Endermen in 1.10.2? And dimlet parcels aren't that useful, are they? I can only craft certain dimlets and I'm...
  7. X

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Anyone know the best way to farm dimlets on FTB Beyond? RFTools for 1.10.2 seems to give you faaaar fewer from dimlet huts and I don't see any other way to get the non-basic dimlets. I'm wanting a no-mobs void world in which to build my base but I'm getting so few dimlets and the ones I do get...
  8. X

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    Was the server running in "offline" mode? If so, that's what's causing it. If not, then I have no idea - it should all transfer with the world save.
  9. X

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    Similar, if not worse, to be honest. My game runs at anything from 100-300 FPS in an unadulterated area but as soon as I go near my base I get an average of about 45, dipping to 35 and sometimes peaking way up near 100 again. That's with no shaders. If I enable any shaders, it will drop to...
  10. X

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    Surprisingly, I disagree, actually. To be fair, only one stands out in ANY way for me, and that's CaptTatsu's BSL Shaders (V6.0 is what I tested). Reasons: it provides helpful options that make sense, including wavy leaves on/off, etc. It has the nicest colouring (to me) and doesn't have...
  11. X

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    The computer is capable. It's actually 6 years old now but a 3930K OCed to 4.4GHz, 32GB of RAM and a slightly newer 980Ti is quite capable. I do run 3k+ (3240x1920) though so that can hinder performance. I've just scoured the interwebs for all of the shaders I could find, ignored anything older...
  12. X

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    A LOOOOOONG time ago, I used to run 512 textures. Then I started playing modded and mish-mashed my own texture pack together from all of my favourites. Then I started playing FTB packs and got terrible frame rates and gave up with 256 and 512 textures. I settled on Soartex Fanver (at the time...
  13. X

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    Cool. Which shaders are you using in that video and do they run at a playable frame rate?
  14. X

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    Looking good. Much bigger a wall than I was expecting; depth-wise, at least. Did it turn out like you were after? You could actually build a base in that wall. It's big enough!
  15. X

    Open NEI auto placing planks in Refined Storage crafting grid does not detect dark oak

    Same issue with AE2 autocrafting - not just dark planks but any. Recipe = Oak Planks with "allow ore-dict substitutions" but it won't use eucalyptus or dark oak planks. Haven't tested other planks but I imagine it's not reading the ore-dictionary properly and/or ignoring the substitute option.
  16. X

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    Yep. Put in one bucket of water and get out one block of ice or snow. Or you can get 4 snowballs. I would recommend resonant upgrade and some speed augments in it along with a sink or whatever other supply of infinite water.
  17. X

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    TE Glacial Precipitator or something? Just loading up and will do some investigating. I'll update the post when I have info.
  18. X

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    Don't they use Ender Pearls?
  19. X

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    RFTools' Matter Transmitter and Reciever is probably what you are after. You can use the Charged Porter (or advanced) to teleport from anywhere too, if you want. If on SP or host a server yourself, you can use Journeymap's waypoints or FTBUtils' /home [name] or /warp [name] commands.
  20. X

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I knew I wasn't losing my mind! EDIT: THIS THING IS F****** AWESOME! (Sorry). Literally, hook it up to AE2 (or Refined Storage) with a storage bus (external storage), set the priority as highest on your network for item storage and then all of your non-stackable items will stack gloriously...