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    Whitelist Server 1.7.10 Steincraft | Direwolf20 1.6.1 | Whitelist | 32 Slots | 24/7 |Plugins| Family Friendly | TS3

    1.) IGN: shooterminecraft 2.) Age: (optional) 15 3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since December 2012 4.) Why do you want to join our server? This server looks really fun, and here I can play with others and not have to worry about others stealing or griefing.
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    IGN: shooterminecraft Skype Username: Deviusmyst Age: 15 Gender: Male

    IGN: shooterminecraft Skype Username: Deviusmyst Age: 15 Gender: Male
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    Whitelist Server EclispeCraft|Whitelist|Infinity|1.2.1| ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

    IGN: shooterminecraft Skype: Deviusmyst Biggest Accomplishment... Big Reactor within 2 hours of starting a world, and mastered Thaumcraft 3... I think this server will be really fun especially with a small group that is trustworthy. Hope to see you soon. :)
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    Whitelist Server InfinityCraft|FTB Infinity 1.2.0|Whitelist|24/7 DEDI|14GB.

    IGN (minecraft username): shooterminecraft Skype (pref): Deviusmyst Age: 15 Where do you live? (Country): East Coast of Canada Timezone: EST+1:30 How long have you been playing mods?: Since the release of Feed the Beast Why do you want to play on the server?: I think it will be very fun and...
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    TerraFirma+ [TFC] [HQM] [MineTweaked] [WIP]

    Hey, if you need another tester for the pack to check balance and stuff, feel free to message me! :-)
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    Whitelist Server ♛MindCeption♛|FTB Direwolf20 1.0.23|Whitelisted|NEW WORLD|Grief protection|Biomes O Plenty

    What is your Minecraft username? shooterminecraft How old are you? 15 Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? Nope Where are you from? Canada Why do you want to join? I have a vast knowledge of the mods but still learning some of the newer mods. My knowledge would be used to help...
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    Whitelist Server ZeRRo Monster | 1.0.9 | Whitelist | 32GB RAM | 24/7 | TS3

    Ingame Name: shooterminecraft Age: 14 Timezone/Country: Canada/ EST + 1:30
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    Whitelist Server TotalBeast 1.1.2 Ultimate | Whitelist | 20 slots | Grief Prevention | Essentials | Logblocks | 24/7

    IGN: shooterminecraft Age: 14 What country are you from? Canada Why TotalBeast? This looks like a very fun server with an awesome community. Would I find your name on MCBANS? If so why? Nope Do you agree to the rules above? Yes I agree with these rules
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    Whitelist Server Industrial Nation|Mindcrack|Whitelisted|Community SMP |15 slots open

    Age: 14 First Name: Matt In-game name:shooterminecraft Do you have a Mic?: (Y/N): Yes TimeZone: EST Why should we pick you?: I think this server will be fun and i have been looking for a small whitelisted ftb server that looks fun Any other information that you would like to include: Me and my...
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    Whitelist Server Mindcrack 8.2.0|+Mystcraft|-Some Extra Biomes|Whitelist|Hardmode

    IGN:shooterminecraft Mod Most Enjoyed: ThaumCraft and Bees I am a funny person and have never been banned before I am really mature and I think this server will be fun