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  1. N

    HomieCraft [NO LAG] [whitelist] No Greifing/raiding [MindCrack-FTB]

    1) your In game name(IGN): nevermind13jet 2) Your Age: 12 3) Time Zone: GMT +2 4) How Often You Will Play: As often as i can 5) Do Not Greif, Steal, Raid, Or use Nukes.: OFC I won't 6) No Mods, Hacks, Or Glitching.: No 7) No Lieing.: No way 8) Be Mature and Use Common Sense.: I will. 9) An Oath...
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    Whitelist Server Nut Housee Productz [UK]|FTB Mindcrack V8|Whitelist|Closed

    1. Minecraft username? - This is needed for adding to whitelist: nevermind13jet 2. How long have you been playing minecraft?: Since Beta 1.8 (Really got in it at 1.0.0) 3. How long have you been playing FTB?: Since release and I've been playing with some of the mods before (IC, RP, BC etc.) 4...
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    IGN: nevermind13jet
  4. N

    [1.4.6] FTB [Mindcrack Modpack] [8GB RAM][Small Youtube and Skype Server][15 Slots]

    In-Game Name: nevermind13jet Skype(Required): I have one, but I don't feel like posting it here. I will PM it to you if i get accepted. Age: 12 How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: I've been playing FTB since release and I've been playing with some of FTB mods (RP, IC, BC, Mystcraft...
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    Samski11's Server [Mindcrack w/mystcraft] [Whitelist] [Small]

    IGN: nevermind13jet AGE: 12 Country: Bulgaria (Im good at English) Favourite mod: IC2, mystcraft, portal gun and recently BC2 and Thermal Expansion A litlle bit about me: Bah, I'm just a guy who plays a bit too much games. Mostly minecraft and some FPS-es. Noting unusual/interesting about me...
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    1.4.6[MineCrack] RippleCraft [Whitelist][Nolag][Teamspeak][NewMap]

    1. Age: 12 2. IGN: nevermind13jet 3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: Since the beginging when it was at not so public beta. 4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Have fun help with what I can plus do my own ''projects'' 5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Yes...
  7. N

    [16x] Familiar yet Different [1.6.X-1.7.X][FTB][Dead]

    The pack is amazing. near perfect. I like how it's simplistic and still it's detiled and not flat. It's not 110% complete, but the unfinished stuff still blend in well. Great work.
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    [1.4.6]Mindcrack Server[Youtube, 12+]

    IGN: nevermind13jet Oath Not to Grief: I, nevermind13jet, shall never grief this server in case I get accepted. Age(12+): 12 and around 3 months Do you have a Mic: Yep (A decent HeadSet) Why you want to be on the server: Because I'm interested in a small to medium server with nice and mature...
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    Private FTB Server || FeedTheCrafts

    age:12 Minecraft IGN (in game name): nevermind13jet country of residence: Bulgaria Skype (do you have Skype? would you be willing to talk on Skype? Do not post your skype here, i will Private Message you if i will be adding you to the whitelist): Yes, I have. I am willing to talk, but I may not...
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    [Whitelist] CES - Mindcrack FTB [1.4.6]

    Age: 12 In-game Name: nevermind13jet Why Would you like to join the server?: I am just intrested in playing on a small to medium size server. do you have experience with the mods?: Quite a lot of experience. I am not good with some of the newer mods in the pack like XyCraft and TrainCraft. I am...
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    DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

    Age: 12 Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D): Well yes I know about a part of the things. Not 100% but it's more than basic knowege. Are you a mature player?: Yep Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so...