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  1. J

    Whitelist Server Beast Server - Unleashed 1.1.4 - White-Listed - Mature -Survival - Teampseak

    In Game Name: James_P_Skully Age: 16 Why you want to join: I want to join a community based server that has close to all mods enabled and no little kids (younger then 15/16). This seems like a pretty good server with a mature community. Have you been banned before:No How often do you plan on...
  2. J

    Whitelist Server | Feed The Narwhal | FTB Unleashed | Whitelist 24/7 | 24 Slots | 14+ (Mature) | Survival |

    IGN: James_P_Skully Skype Name (Optional but recommended): james_p_skully Age: 15 Are you new to FTB or a veteran? Veteran Why should i add you? I am very experienced with FTB, and building in Minecraft. If the server is still running in about a month or two I can get it very poppulated (If...