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  1. C

    Applied Energistics keep x number of item in machine?

    It's possible with clay golems. Have an ME interface hold 32 (or 16, golem can't carry more than 16 at a time anyways) of your seeds/crops/etc. in its export field. Attach the golem to the planter, place a marker block next to the ME interface. Tell the golem to keep exact amount of items...
  2. C

    lagginess of dirt/grass

    Why would having vanilla mc installed interfere with your FTB performance in any way? They're completely independent from each other, FTB downloads its own minecraft version into the FTB directory and uses that one.
  3. C

    Recommended world restarts in 1.6.

    Does not appear to be working, tried both right-clicking and shift-right-clicking.
  4. C

    Ultimate vs. Mindcrack modpack

    Pros: -You gain a lot of cool mods that are painfully missing from mindcrack, for example Mystcraft and Applied Energistics -You lose traincraft (the trains look nice but it's just really buggy) Cons: -none
  5. C

    Sorting Items into Chests / Storage (1.5.x)

    Why are the machines and hoppers touching the barrels? Routers only output into inventories that are touching each other, they can't output if there is even a 1 block gap between them. Really simple fix.
  6. C

    Getting tired of waiting for FTB update..

    My reason would be because 1.5 vanilla mc comparators are extremely awesome, and would be even better in combination with the various ftb mods. I'd do my own 1.5 pack, but I absolutely don't want to lose frames >_>
  7. C


    Could you test if the cpu usage incerase also happens when you have the fabricator set to require a constant redstone signal? Most fabricator setups only require to be active for a very short amount of time, so they could easily be restrained by a very simple CC computer script if they only do...
  8. C

    nether quarry??

    Does some mod add diamonds to the nether? I'm pretty sure they don't generate there in vanilla mc.
  9. C

    Power Converters complaining thread

    You can't make Nintendo change the way they develop video games. You can choose not to use PowerConverters and do cool builds with different power systems, it's what I'm doing. Basically, you are complaining that other people don't play the way you do?
  10. C

    Aluminum Ore - Which Mod?

    It's also useful for thaumcraft research since it has the relatively hard to come by Aura essence.
  11. C

    Need help with direwolf's lets play

    I did some testing and it appears that there seems to be either a range cap or a bug with the teleporters. They unlink if the link distance is very far. In my tests, 400 blocks unlinked, while 150 blocks worked.
  12. C

    Need help with direwolf's lets play

    It will return false if: 1. Turtle does not have enough fuel to teleport. Teleporting needs roughly 2 times the amount of fuel the turtle would have needed if it moved the same distance without teleporting. 2. The teleporter it sits on has no linked destination, again, make sure they're linked...
  13. C

    Need help with direwolf's lets play

    Did a quick test and the script in the provided pastebin link works just fine for me. My guess is that you did not properly connect the 2 teleporters. You need to link each destination seperately, so you will need to link A -> B and B -> A. To test the odd chance that the teleporter might be...
  14. C

    Is "discovering" fun?

    google does not help me in finding this, point me to it please?
  15. C

    Remove PortalGun Turret Speech?

    If you don't mind losing the other sounds in the mod too, there is: # Boolean: # Enable mod sounds? I:enableSounds=1 in the mod config file.
  16. C

    Mindcrack ThaumCraft bug/broken?

    Sounds more like something the server owner messed up, considering the server had a downtime of multiple days. Lots of items gone can mean a massive rollback, save corruption, etc. Has the world rollbacked too, or just your inventories?
  17. C

    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    Just quoting this for the images, which mod are those bee-comb textured blocks from? Awesome silo, btw.
  18. C

    Bee automation

    Iron pipes have 1 open side. That's their purpose, to have everything go to that side. You need to rotate it with a wrench to make the correct side open.
  19. C

    Mystcraft Stable Ages

    Ah ok, good to know Lightning Rods work that way. Is there a Mystcraft page to generate an age with eternal thunderstorm weather? Or at least (heavy) rain?
  20. C

    Which part of Redpower do people see as laggy?

    I'm not on the forums that much, but I always see people complaining about Redpower causing a lot of lag. I was wondering which part of Redpower causes this. I don't think they're just talking about having many .2 timers running.