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  1. X

    Whitelist Server OzeRicks [FTB minecrack 1.4.6|White listed | 18+ none PVP 20+ slot server]

    Well as shvey kind of pointed out and we both live in the same area, our isp is sort of terrible the last little while i get a download rate of maybe 1mbit when i pay for 3 and its very hard to download the latest mode pack ill keep trying and i will be back on when i finally manage to get it...
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    Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

    IGN: XainFaith Age: 26 Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a nice smp environment single player has lost some luster it seems. Plans/Goals(just curious): Want to build a live in air ship of sorts. prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Used to setup mods by hand before ftb launcher and also...
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    Whitelist Server RedstoneCraft|MindCrack V8.01|Whitelisted|24/7|Mumble

    Age: 26 Experience with the mods: I love Forestry, Build Craft and of course Red Power 2 Would you say you are a mature person? Id hope so for having two kids if i wasn't that may be a problem :p Have you ever been banned from a server? Nope never IGN: XainFaith
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    Whitelist Server OzeRicks [FTB minecrack 1.4.6|White listed | 18+ none PVP 20+ slot server]

    Birthday: feb 20 1986 In Game Name: XainFaith Related (minecraft/ FTB) Experience: Been playing with mods for a few years and the ftb mod packs have just made managing and updating a bit easier all and all i would relate my experince as at least adept. Playing Availability: at least 2 hours a...
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    [1.4.6] FTB [Mindcrack Modpack] [8GB RAM][Small Youtube and Skype Server][15 Slots]

    In-Game Name: XainFaith Skype(Required): [email protected] Age: 26 How Long You Have Been Playing FTB or Tekkit: Quite some time i am also a long time follower of direwolf20, and when i have some free time and feel motivated i feel i may even drag myself away from os dev to do a mod for mine...
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    [1.4.6]Mindcrack Server[Youtube, 12+]

    IGN: XainFaith Oath Not to Grief: I hear-by give my oath on my honor never to grief on my own or anyone else behalf so long as i still breath, because really how in there right mind wants to be greifed Age(12+): 26 Do you have a Mic: Built-in Why you want to be on the server: Id like to be on a...