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    Whitelist Server OTEGamers |FTB INFINITY - 1.4.0 | 64G RAM | TS3 | Great Community | Fast Whitelist |

    In-Game Name:AlexMine_Gamer What are you looking for in the server? A friendly Whitelisted community!!! How long have you been playing Minecraft? 3 years What experience do you have with Modded MC?i know some mods but i want to learn all of them Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server...
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    IGN)AlexMine_Gamer Age)13 Location)Greece How long have you been playing Minecraft)About 3 years What keeps you playing Minecraft?)There is always something to do, or improve, and the only thing that would stop me from playing would be my creativity.
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    Whitelist Server MC Alliance FTB Infinity survival server Looking for More Players

    IG Name (Case Sensitive) -AlexMine_Gamer Age - 13 Normal Play Time - 3 or 4 hours a day Play Style - Automation,building Favourite Mod -applied energistic 2 Solo or Group - group Typer or talker (will you be joining us on Teamspeak) -talker HI!!!