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  1. S

    I'm new...

    I agree - I have learned the VAST majority of what I know about many, many different mods via his videos. But PLEASE don't make your buildings look like his. They can be so much prettier (though he's at least been making an effort lately...).
  2. S

    I'm new...

    As long as you have a legit Minecraft account, you're good to go. Use that. :)
  3. S

    Unleashed v1.1.3 perma-crash after breaking IC2 info panel

    Also AFTER updating nuclear control:
  4. S

    Unleashed v1.1.3 perma-crash after breaking IC2 info panel

    AFTER updating nuclear control:
  5. S

    Unleashed v1.1.3 perma-crash after breaking IC2 info panel

    Also BEFORE updating nuclear control:
  6. S

    Unleashed v1.1.3 perma-crash after breaking IC2 info panel

    Hello - I have searched on this issue, and the only thing I came up with was a somewhat similar bug with nuclear control 1.5.1c, so I updated to 1.5.1e (on both my client and the 2-person server that I run) with no success. All I know is that I broke an information panel from nuclear control...
  7. S

    enderpearls so hard to get!!!!!

    Additionally, do you have access to ender tanks? You still need ender pearls, but fewer than you need for tesseracts I think... Thinking long term: in addition to ender lilies, bees could help out if you're up for that much bee breeding.
  8. S

    I'm going to the moon and I am taking a...

    Can I take Batman, a humpabump, or the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?
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    I'm going to the moon and I am taking a...

    All the items have an "E" in them. Can I take a kleenex? How about a stopwatch?
  10. S


    There sure are! Only with vanilla blocks though. :) My ideas, some of which have been said: - Snow (duh) - Twilight Forest smokers for a chimney or two - Thaumcraft candles - Nitor to simulate larger candles - Note blocks playing a simple Christmas melody - Twilight Forest deer in Santa's...
  11. S

    I'm going to the moon and I am taking a...

    You're right of course - but the theory actually works for almost all of the other items... now I'm trying to come up with some variation on that... :confused:
  12. S

    Controlling inputs for steel production

    It's very possible. But are you dead set on using BC pipes/gates? It can certainly be done that way, but, as you've discovered, you'll need to set up some form of overflow protection. But rather than jumping into that, would you consider using transfer pipes from Extra Utilities? That would be...
  13. S

    I'm going to the moon and I am taking a...

    Can I bring a pair of headphones? How about a van?
  14. S

    Which computer?

    I agree that, if you're willing to go that route, building your own tends to be more cost effective - primarily because you can pick precisely the components that you want without paying extra for anything you don't. If you're interested in pursuing that, I'd be happy to lend any help that I...
  15. S

    NEI mob spawn over lay (F7) moves around with mouse cursor

    Hmm, I'm not using those, or anything else with a HUD/view alteration that I can think of. But perhaps that will help mim out. :)
  16. S

    NEI mob spawn over lay (F7) moves around with mouse cursor

    My overlay is very spastic as well. And I'm using neither morph nor optifine. It hasn't bugged me enough to troubleshoot it yet, but I wanted to make it known that mim isn't the only one with the issue...
  17. S

    Randomly can not place blocks

    I've never heard of this being the cause, but do you have any unusual light sources in the area, like wrath lamps, that create phantom light blocks? Also is this singleplayer or SMP? (The answer won't give me any clues, other than spawn protection gone awry, but may help someone else help you...)
  18. S

    Modular Furnace 2

    Yeah, that sounds smart. That way a reasonably powerful furnace could be built at any y-level, but you couldn't build a "high-powered" version without large amounts of resources. I'll be keeping an eye out, for sure. :)
  19. S

    Modular Furnace 2

    How about a more realistic take on geothermal power? (In other words, NOT lava, though you could do that too if you wanted). I'm imagining running "geothermal piping" into the ground. The deeper in the ground, the more heat, and thus the more/faster fueling it provides. You could just have a...
  20. S

    No Thermal Expansion (1.6), need Liquid Transposer and Ingnious Extruder alts.

    Yep, that would work. It could be done quite easily with a single turtle as well - just maintain separate inventory slots for redstone versus obsidian. My main concern was that I personally hadn't heard if CC is good to go on 1.6 yet. I definitely would have guessed so, but didn't want to...