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  1. I

    Several FPS issues after upgrading to 1.3.1

    As the title says, i'm having several issues with FPS before the upgrade i was able to run Direwolf20 1.6.4 pack at 50-70 fps but now i've got several problems and usually runs at 5-10 fps. Where is the issue for you ? P.S. java version:7 Upgrade:45
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    Hardcore bees chalege [FTB ultimate]

    you could maybe thank who download your map and give suggestion to make it better or not ?
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    Hardcore bees chalege [FTB ultimate]

    you don't have saplings at the beginning ! if you place the apiary in a bad place you break all the map !
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    Hardcore bees chalege [FTB ultimate]

    if i combine the two bees i get a bee with hostile environment...can you give at the begnning two bees of the same species? edit:and you also need wood !
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    Official FTB Map

    Thanks :)
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    Official FTB Map

    when we will be able to have the official FTB 1.4 map ?
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    When is DW20 updated

    if you are really interested download xycraft and install it manually !
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    New Launcher design | We need you!

    i'd like to have a way to manage saves ! That could be very usefull :D and also a way to download maps from urls !
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    FTB Unofficial Map[v. 0.3]

    Go Upstairs !
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    FTB Unofficial Map[v. 0.3]

    scuse me ! but don't have feedback :( ans so i've no wish of updating the map ! hope you understand
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    FTB Unofficial Map[v. 0.3]

    there's is also other ways to have magic :)
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    [Direwolf20] [Skyblockplus+]

    i had got the same idea ...
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    (WIP)[DW20] Feed The Beast - Arcane Edition

    S orry but i'm italian,can i help however ?
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    (WIP)[DW20] Feed The Beast - Arcane Edition

    the map seems great ! Can i help you ?
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    FTB Unofficial Map[v. 0.3]

    mediafire one:
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    FTB Unofficial Map[v. 0.3]

    ok, i don't use anymore ! RAPIDSHARE ONLY ! try the new one
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    [CTM] [WIP] Modern Days

    i want to help !
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    FTB Unofficial Map[v. 0.3]

    link updated again i hope it works !