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  1. D

    Problem Cant open serverstart.bat direwolf20 1.7.10

    fixed the problem sorry needed to update java to java 8 sorry for wasting your time
  2. D

    Problem Cant open serverstart.bat direwolf20 1.7.10

    if NOT "%FTB_VERBOSE%"=="yes" ( @Echo off ) if NOT EXIST minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar ( echo running install script! call FTBInstall.bat ) REM Check if java in path where java > NUL 2>&1 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo No java binary in path. Can't run server, exiting... pause...
  3. D

    Problem Cant open serverstart.bat direwolf20 1.7.10

    hello when I start my serverstart.bat come there this error: can someone help me ? greetings dismissed Hofland hope he tonight as server dire wolf 20 can play with zn friend ;)