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  1. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Can we get a change log?
  2. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    The Buildcraft Additions author, has said he plans on updating it to fix the problems in the git hub thread where I found the fix originally.
  3. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Found it, Buildcraft Additions contains a really old version of the Cofh api. Removed it from the jar and everything is fixed.
  4. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Yep server is updated, having same problem on the server ,and in the client.
  5. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Well the problem is that on my server is that we use Mekanism's wind and solar to power our base, and with the universal cables being broken, everything is now shutdown...
  6. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Nope just removed it's packed version of the cofh api, cables still not connecting to any RF devices.
  7. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Am on Launcher v1.4.5 which as far as I know is the latest launcher.
  8. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Deleted the pack, Told it to re-download.
  9. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Yep this is fresh install of the pack, was having problems upgrading.
  10. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    One of the mods includes a outdated version of the cofh api that is breaking Mekanism universal cables. Am trying to find the mod in question that package it with it. EnderIO dose but removing the cofh api folder from it doesn't fix the problem, there must be another mod that has it with it.
  11. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Is it possible, to either disable to add a line to the tweak script to make it so that the Enderman heads are ore dictionary compatible? Is kinda silly that they drop 3 different kinds of heads that are useless for different purposes.
  12. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Remove and Journey map, causing the server to crash. Other than than that it worked for me.
  13. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    I believe there's a typo in the change log for 2.1.16. I'm assuming that you meant "Updated ThaumicEnergistics" instead of "Added ThaumicEnergistics" sense we already had it in the old versions?
  14. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Am already using it, was suggesting it so people done have to add it after the fact to the pack.
  15. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Any change of adding Thaumcraft NEI Plugin? Is really nice not to have to carry the Thaumonomicon just to look up recipies.
  16. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    But doesn't Zombie Awareness need that in order to function?
  17. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Why sorry? Was he writing something already like that mod?
  18. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    I have mod suggestion sense you do not want to add Random Things Mod to the pack would you be willing to add this mod that takes Random thins most useful feature and the main reason that I want it, faster leaf decay! It is a direct code rip from random things, and is server side only...
  19. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    I am getting multiple crashes when attempting to craft a chest. OpenEye is reporting back Ganys Surface as the likely cause.
  20. G

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Minetweaker was added in the last update to the server, It will not allow clients to join the server if it is active. Also I am not sure if it was included by accident because I noticed that there are no scripts in the scrips folder for it to load anyway.