Search results for query: fuck

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  1. E

    All Becomes Grey [IN CHARACTER THREAD] [ROLEPLAY] [POSSIBLE MATURE CONTENT] all, remembered everything! Her mouth slid open and she let out a dry raspy chuckle. " think you've killed me...jokes on you fucking beasts." She weakly ripped the ribbon from her neck, revealing the horrifying scar. "What is dead can never die! You took him from me, so I took from...
  2. EconBrony

    [1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

    I actually ran a second server with lycanite mobs added to the pack and really enjoyed it. Went and edited the recipes and such as well. Lycanite's is amazingly customizable, I've made packs in the past using that mod that I got put on FTB. The main players in my community didn't have much...
  3. M

    [1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

    ...Mobs on my server because we wanted a more challenging experience similar to the modpack Blood N Bones. ended up being tedious as fuck considering my friend and I were relatively new to Infitech. The previous version of Gregtech we had played were something arround GT 3 or 4 (can't...
  4. T

    Up to 9000

    3604 Jeez so many fuck-ups
  5. G


    ...this glitch I wasn't able to react fast enough and... well you can guess the rest. And yeah, it still saps your lives if you switch to creative. Fuck. Am I mad? A little. Salty? Sort of. But honestly I'm quite relieved. I was honestly planning for the Chaos Guardian to be my endgame and...
  6. Inaeo

    DW20 1.10 pack (latest update) Can't find Lapis.. anywhere :(

    I'm using more RFTools in this world than I have in others (Elevators rule, btw). That mod uses Lapis in machine bases and frames for nearly every machine in the mod. It eats gold and Ender Pearls in a big way too, but the power and utility of what is offered makes it worth it. Come to think...
  7. W

    DW20 1.10 pack (latest update) Can't find Lapis.. anywhere :(

    Lapis is rare, lapis has always been rare it's just that until Actually Additions came along Lapis had fuck-all use even enchanting doesn't use that much, so no-one noticed. Mine at 11 you will get everything you need, except Bauxite and Apatite (both spawn higher Bauxite seems to be 40+ and...
  8. T

    Error while checking HTTP

    I cannot get the entire log right now, he is super pissed and "doesnt give a fuck" but yet he do. But why is it only happening on Direwolfs pack? All other packs he can download&run fine
  9. B

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Also, i think i will cheat in purification powder, as there is no reasonable way to get the required Quantities. No automated way, rare as fuck and even breaking it with a Fortune 5 tool sometimes drops nothing. That is absolutely destroying the fun.
  10. B

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions the corner due to having an even diameter. Is it safe to build 4 of them at the 4 corners of my base to maintain Symmetry, or would that fuck up the network due to them drawing from each other? I read somewhere it would be possible to have one-directional repeaters by clicking one side...
  11. E

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...Dan found himself smashed into the wall of the sewer, held firmly in place by the heavy claw. Dan coughed, and a little bit of blood came out. "Fuck." He sent a message to Tito. Two hooded hostiles found in alleyway. Forced to engage. Pain was distracting, but in slow motion, you have a lot...
  12. W

    Any way to run Extrautilities 2 with optifine?

    ...(be it a,b or c) with optifine? I need optifine for hermit to be playable at all (seriously.. 2 fps.. Wtf.. Optifine makes it run at 60.. the fuck is wrong with this modpack?) but I don't want to miss Extra Utilities stuff u.u THanks in advance fr the help.. (Running Optifine latest, which...
  13. E

    [1.7.10][WIP]Industry Gigant[BQ][GregTech+Rotarycraft]

    You can automate the growth of IC2 crops once you get some machines setup.
  14. R

    [1.7.10][WIP]Industry Gigant[BQ][GregTech+Rotarycraft]

    Yeah i know what you mean.. Agricraft is pretty easy if you know how to use it and even the Crossbreeding is easy as fuck. But the best benefit is the automation and i think you cant do this on IC2 or? #sorry4mybadenglish
  15. Someone Else 37

    Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

    Yeah, plutonium has an annoying tendency to burn faster the hotter it gets... or maybe that was breeders; I don't remember off the top of my head. At any rate, control rods and lots of spare boilers are your friends.
  16. malicious_bloke

    Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

    ...that a couple of the fuel cores have depleted pellets and waste that hasn't been extracted by Colin. Fix missing channels in ME setup, watch waste get sucked out of cores, then turn round and get a nuclear meltdown in the face. Plutonium goes from 0-OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE in under 30 seconds O_O
  17. Lumaceon

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

    ...of the blow, the damage indicators merely intensified as more of her system components were damaged. The other one looked up from Tito's body. "Fuck's sake Morrs, could you just finish it off already? No fun in dragging it out, since the damn thing can't feel pain anyway." As her opponent...
  18. L

    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    what you have found is a Hungry Node from Thaumcraft. they eat everything(including your grave) save obsidian.
  19. H

    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    ...So i have two questions : How can i get my questbook back? or at least get a new one? i think i may manage to do the quests again. And what the fuck is this thing? Nothing to show it but two or three black pixels flying around (dust from the ground i think) and it's deadly trap you can't...
  20. zedekblue

    Nether mobs in overworld

    ...Edit: Also anyone know why and how I can disable the second crafting tab I have? Edit2: Yaaay... My third unanswered support thread... Guess I'll just fuck around until it fixes itself.