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  • slowpoke i have a problem, can you please make it so i can put more than 1 gig into FTB?
    Ask this in tech support.
    you have to be running a 64 bit java to run more than 1 gig i belive
    *knock knock knock* Mr. Slowpoke sir, can I mail you a dictionary for the holidays? You are a very smart man, but your spelling makes my brain hurt ;)
    (all in jest, have a happy day!)
    hey slowpok i have a server that up but not open to the public, i was wondering if you would like to join. if you would like to join PLZ fell free to pm me and i will send you the ip
    Hey there Slow. I was wondering on the progress of the Mod Pack Builder/Tester. I had put in an application for it and haven't seen anything about it since it was posted. I think that I would possibly help out with it. Thanks for all you have done with Feed The Beast. I know it sure helps in getting non-mod players into the modded world.
    I had an idea for the launcher, you could make it so you can hide and show packs, e.g. I don't like the Voxelbox pack, so I would just go into the options tab and deselect the tickbox that would say "Show <Pack Name Goes Here> in modpacks tab?" Just a little addition, I thought it was neat :) Thanks for your time.
    Hello, I hope I'm not bothering you with a question that's been asked a million times, but I was wandering what the plan is with Thaumcraft and Redpower.
    are you going to update the pack with Thaum now/soon, or wait for Redpower and do both at once?
    Having a problem uppdating my profile picture on the site, don't really know why it doesn't work.

    off topic, FTB is by far the best thing that has happen in a VERY long time. Cannot describe how grateful I am for all your work & effort you put into this. Amazing job. Thanks alot!
    Hey Slowpoke, here's a logo I made for FTB. If you use this I don't want anything in return. Seeing my logo used would be good enough for me :)
    if you want this just say and i will send you the .ai for it so your graphics peeps can work on thumbnails etc. :)
    I'm sorry to bother you; I have an idea: Would it be possible to add a vanilla pack to the launcher, just so that people do not need to rely on other launchers to launch vanilla while the FTB launcher only stays with modpacks. I think it would be a great addition to the launcher.

    One more question, do you have a Twitter I can follow?
    If you're interested contact me at [email protected].

    I know you want the best for your users and we can make that happen. We can provide some of the strongest hardware in the industry, in a rock-solid data-center with DDoS protection through SPI (SF) and other hardware firewall measures as well as a strong network for maximum throughput, as is crucial when hosting download mirrors.
    We're one of the largest Minecraft hosting companies in the market, hosting servers for the Mojang teams themselves (Marc_IRL, and the Bukkit crew), Wolv21, Mindcrack (Guude), and various other big names in the market. If you're interested in our rock-solid hosting platform to keep your web-server up online through DDoS and other attacks we'd be happy to assist.
    Hello, "Slowpoke", I was stumbling upon your website and upon attempting to download your FTB mod pack I found that the download link returned an HTTP 503 resource unavailable response, indicating that the web-server handling HTTP download for FTB is currently down. If you're interested in free, sponsored, hosting let me know and we can come up with a solution that meets your needs.
    Hey slowpoke I couldn't find a section for this but a small suggestion . How about in game add a tab where it polls for servers kinda like the one in spout launcher ?
    I was just wondering if there is a thread on the forums some place we can Advertise if we are a Server Hosting Company.

    Regards Alex
    Hello. You may have read some of my less respectful remarks about you on the technic forums, and I'd just like to apologize for them. I was very tired at the time, and I said some things that I now regret saying. I'd just like you to know that while I dislike some of your actions, I respect you. I hope that we can be friendly and civil towards each other from now on.
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