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  • just wanted to let you know and the colored text in minecraft is determined by what number is after that & symbol determines the color. the symbol shows that it will be a color gahhh stupid no more than 420 character rule
    lol i keep having to edit these but it always ends up to be more than 420 characters long anyway the edit was gonna be - you see that thing that looks weird with the font of the website its in the first message -it looks like this &. well thats the "and" symbol. you know the thing that pops up when you press shift+7.
    anyway im gonna ask eko or kami to give you permission to show i did ask them for it and that you can see that so that this might happen. this is truly very important to me and i really hope you can do it.
    so thats when i asked well, can i just pm him about it? and so i did... or am... the reason why i want this is because im Lapis so naturally i should have Lapis-colored font right? right. anyway, i really want this im not even sure if this is the right profile but seeing as how this is the only profile with BigBrain in it it probably is
    Hey BigBrain, remember me Lapis? from the Solarcraft Server? well i talked it over with the people on solarcraft, kami, eko, and them and i thought it would be just so cool for me to be able to have what would normally be &9 colored text when i say stuff in the chat and they said that would be BigBrain's job and that they would have to create a tag for me...
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