[1.7.10]Back to Classic|Reviving the classics

How would people feel about getting Chisel in the modpack?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a remake of the Tekkit Classic pack which never got updated.
Most of the mods will be the same, with only a very few additions (Opis and Admins commands toolbox)
A few features are currently missing (Redpowers item transport system) but else most things are the same.
Some mods have chanced (Industrialcraft 2) but contains mostly the same features.
Some mods have been replaced with other mods that attempts to reproduce the same features (ProjectE instead of EE2 and ProjectRed instead of Redpower 2)
Redpower's frames has been replaced with Funky Locomotion
Computercraft has been replaced by OpenComputers due to compatibility. Both Computercraft and OpenComputers will be in the latest version of the pack.
The modpack can be found here for technic: Back to Classic and on FTB with the pack code

A few EMC values has been changed to avoid infinite loops like the Blaze Rod -> Blaze Power -> Blaze Rod.
Also some additional values has been added to allow for more things to be exchanged. At some point IC[sup]2[/sup] will also get their items added, but that will be later on.
Some configs has been changed to make the game a little more fair.
Right now the pack is in easy mode, so you shouldn't have a problem surviving.
The modlist is pretty much final, with only updates happening, so you can play away in your world without having to worry about finding new chunks.
The complete modlist is:
Blue Power
CoFH Core
CodeChicken Core
Compact Solar Arrays
Inventory Tweaks
NEI Plugins Unofficial
Nether Ores
Not Enough Items
Thermal Foundation
Advanced Machines
Dimensional Anchors
Funky Locomotion
Immibis Core
IndustrialCraft 2
Iron Chest
Balkon's WeaponMod

Naturally I have permission for every mod:
AdminCommandsToolbox(act) by ProfMobius
At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/221584-admin-commands-toolbox
Permissions are Open

Blue Power(bluepower) by Quetzi, Zness, MineMaarten, K4Unl, Amadornes
At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/223099-blue-power
Permissions are Open

CoFH Core(CoFHCore) by Team CoFH
At http://teamcofh.com/
Permissions are Open

CodeChicken Core(CodeChickenCore) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

Compact Solar Arrays(CompactSolars) by cpw
At http://forum.industrial-craft.net/?page=Thread&threadID=4827
Permissions are Open

EnderStorage(EnderStorage) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

Inventory Tweaks(inventorytweaks) by Jimeo Wan, Kobata
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1720872-162-inventory-tweaks-156-august-21/
Permissions are Open

MobiusCore(MobiusCore) by ProfMobius
At http://profmobius.blogspot.com/
Permissions are Open

NEI Plugins Unofficial(NEIPlugins) by mistaqur
At https://bitbucket.org/mistaqur/nei_plugins/wiki/Home
Permissions are Open

Nether Ores(NetherOres) by PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...292152-powercrystals-mods-minefactoryreloaded
Permissions are Open

Not Enough Items(NotEnoughItems) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

OpenComputers(OpenComputers) by Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed to the mod on Github - thank you!
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1293018-opencomputers-v1-3-3
Permissions are Open

Opis(Opis) by ProfMobius
At http://profmobius.blogspot.fr/
Permissions are Open

ProjectE(ProjectE) by Moze_Intel
At https://github.com/MozeIntel/ProjectE
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed(ProjRed|Core) by MrTJP, ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Compatibility(ProjRed|Compatibility) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Transmission(ProjRed|Transmission) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Illumination(ProjRed|Illumination) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Expansion(ProjRed|Expansion) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

ProjectRed-Exploration(ProjRed|Exploration) by MrTJP, Chickenbones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
Permissions are Open

Railcraft(Railcraft) by CovertJaguar
At http://www.railcraft.info/
Permissions are Open

Thermal Foundation(ThermalFoundation) by Team CoFH
At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/222880-thermal-foundation
Permissions are Open

WR-CBE Core(WR-CBE|Core) by ChickenBones
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223-164-smp-chickenbones-mods/
Permissions are Open

YAMPST(yampst) by bilde2910, Commador
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...yampst-ultimate-statistics-tool-for-mod-packs
Permissions are Open

Advanced Machines(AdvancedMachines) by immibis
At http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=9335&pageNo=1
Permissions are Open

BuildCraft(BuildCraft|Core) by SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team
At http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/
Permissions are Open

Dimensional Anchors(DimensionalAnchors) by immibis
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...ibiss-mods-now-with-85-7-less-version-numbers
Permissions are Open

Funky Locomotion(funkylocomotion) by RWTema
At http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224190-funky-locomotion
Permissions are Open

Immibis Core(ImmibisCore) by immibis
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-with-857-less-version-numbers-in-this-title/
Permissions are Open

IndustrialCraft 2(IC2) by Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elementalist, Feanturi, Lurch1985, SirusKing, tahu44
At http://www.industrial-craft.net/
Permissions are Open

Iron Chest(IronChest) by cpw
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...e-universalironchests-50-minecraft-15-update/
Permissions are Open

Liteloader(com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker) by Mumfrey
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1868280-172api-liteloader-for-minecraft-172/
Permissions are Open

Tubestuff(Tubestuff) by immibis
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...ibiss-mods-now-with-85-7-less-version-numbers
Permissions are Open

Balkon's WeaponMod(weaponmod) by BalkondeurAlpha
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/211517-
Permissions are Open

MrTJPCore(mrtjpcore) by MrTJP
At https://github.com/MrTJP/MrTJPCore
Permissions are Unknown
MrTJP has given permission as seen here: http://i.imgur.com/B8OuUYC.png

eu.ha3.mc.matmos(eu.ha3.mc.matmos) by Hurricaaane
At http://ha3.eu/minecraft-moved.html?mc-mods/matmos.php
Permissions are Open

watson(watson) by totemo
At https://github.com/totemo/watson
Permissions are Unknown
totemo has given permission as seen here: http://i.imgur.com/I7oJeQQ.png

wecui(wecui) by Mumfrey
At http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1292886-worldeditcui
Permissions are Open
Open permission meaning that they can freely be used in modpacks.

Some very cool guys decided to do videos with the modpack. Should you wish to see them they can be found here:
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I felt like tekkit classic was getting a bit dull without the new mod items from updated mods (like ender tanks), i really like this idea. I never knew about project e before. Thanks for making this pack!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, is there some type of compatibility with EU and BC machines (quarry, pump, etc.)? Or does thermal foundation do that for you and you just use TE power?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One other thing, I know you said the modlist was basically final, but could you add chisel and carpenter's blocks? They are essentially only cosmetic, so its not adding much for content. If you don't want to that's fine.Also waila for identification reasons. I may have found a bug, when i extract water cells i get hydration cells, when i need coolant cells to make overclocker upgrades. I can not find a way to make this.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way we could have Immibis' IC2-Classic port to 1.7.10 be the IndustrialCraft version here or is it incompatible?
He took the 1.4.7 IC2 before Nextgen stuff happened and straight-ported it to 1.7

Also, BluePower has a pretty good reimpl of RP2's tubes, I actually vote for it over PR as the RP replacement even though it's blue...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way we could have Immibis' IC2-Classic port to 1.7.10 be the IndustrialCraft version here or is it incompatible?
He took the 1.4.7 IC2 before Nextgen stuff happened and straight-ported it to 1.7
I actully did try with immibis version first. It had some pros and cons:
  • Used forge recipe handling, which meant ProjectE EMC values were easy to find.
  • It looked like classic IC2
  • Not a single addon for ic2 worked with ic2 classic. Not even immibis' own addon like advanced machines.
I might look at using bluepower instead of projectred
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The pack update has been posted to FTP and are in approval queue. So it should be online in a few hours, if no problem appears.

Neither BluePower or chisel or the like are in this update.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The pack has been updated to 1.0.6.

Update is live on both Launchers.

Bluepower has now been included as an alternative to ProjectRed.
Buildcraft has been updated to now work with Railcraft.
NEI has been updated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This could be an epic modpack if you make hard development. First you should add the old IC2 (EVERYONE want it, and if you like to make this modpack better, you have to try to fix those bugs of adding addition to ic2, withouth that this will be another technick modpack) and it needs powerconverters (Is the mod you talk about conversion of ic2 energy and bc and TE) , and waila.

Also it should be better on the official website of the original pack :p:p:p:p but well add it too to the ftb launcher


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bluepower adds in the tubes, so no need to worry about that.

Oops, i thought it didn´t because in the wiki they only mention volcanoes, redstone stuff and marble. Then Tubes wont be necessary (And if bluepower has all i dont know why is project red installed then)

Well for now as i said everything is fine except for reis minimap , waila and old IC2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oops, i thought it didn´t because in the wiki they only mention volcanoes, redstone stuff and marble. Then Tubes wont be necessary (And if bluepower has all i dont know why is project red installed then)

Well for now as i said everything is fine except for reis minimap , waila and old IC2

And powerconverters aren´t at 1.7.10 so i think enet will do it right


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found this error while downloading it on technic launcher, i will try it on ftb

EDIT: I think you should get updated first on FTB, technickpack i official dead
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not even gonna attempt to quote all that. Use the "edit" button next time instead of spamming.
I had the IC2 classic installed in the test version, but pretty much no addons are compatible with it, so I went for the newest version instead.
For the Power Converters mod. It was not in the original pack, Buildcraft and IC2 were completely seperate mods, and are still, so if you want Power Converters, install it yourself.
You have a map available in the form of Map Writer since opis is included, and in my opinion it's superior to Reis Minimap since it still requires you to rely on actually remembering the terrain yourself.
Waila was something I depated installing but didn't, no real reason.
I just fixed the error on the technic side, seems solder had decided on installing some mods twice.

Also, once you can spell TechnicPack I will consider even taking you suggestion about abandoning it. It's not dead, but i'm not here to discuss that, so take that somewhere else if you insist.

Hey I think you should make a challenge map that could go with this looks awesome.
That is very true, but I simply don't have the time to make a challenge map, or the creative skill for making something nice looking for that matter.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, first of all im not english so you shouldn't judge my writting because i try my best.
Second, it had power converters ( http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/tekkit.552560/mods )
And finally, i said technic platform is dead because lastly (Some days ago, not now) the page last 10 seconds each time you click an url, like button or follow doesnt work (Almost for me) and you can see as your pack has 1 comment on discuss (My comment..................) and so little likes / runs (And i have posted a link to there in many webs and almost 5 guys are playing it)

So i asked you if you will focus updating on FTB and then updating in technic when it is ready or you will go technick first


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, first of all im not english so you shouldn't judge my writting because i try my best.
Second, it had power converters ( http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/tekkit.552560/mods )
And finally, i said technic platform is dead because lastly (Some days ago, not now) the page last 10 seconds each time you click an url, like button or follow doesnt work (Almost for me) and you can see as your pack has 1 comment on discuss (My comment..................) and so little likes / runs (And i have posted a link to there in many webs and almost 5 guys are playing it)

So i asked you if you will focus updating on FTB and then updating in technic when it is ready or you will go technick first
I'm not native english either, so no excuse there.
And i see about the Power Converters mod, so I take back my original statement about that.
I push updates for Technic the same time I post updates to FTB, the only difference is FTB taking quite some extra time in updating.
And the statistics I can read from YAMPST tells me that the share between Technic runs and FTB are pretty much the same.