Recent content by xLyfa

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  1. X

    [1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

    Oh, I didn't even know this. Thanks for the tip, that's really handy!
  2. X

    [1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

    Will the next update require HQM reset? I'd like to play this pack, but I'm considering just waiting for the next update because of a possible HQM reset. Thanks.
  3. X

    Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

    I love this pack :) Without a doubt I'm having the most fun with it than I ever have with another pack. It is fresh, after getting by the initial sieving. After that, things get complicated (for me) but learning how to set up automation with mods I've never used before, and Minechem, is so fun...
  4. X

    Whitelist Server KoozCraft [Community-based] | [PvE] | [18+] | [Dedicated Server] | [Fresh Map]

    MC User: xLyfa Skype: I can pm you it later if that's cool. Hmu. Age: 18 (and 7 months :) ) Play Style: Typically, I like to start out with Magic, then ease into Tech. Mid - End game, I'm immersed into both. Experience with mods: Started MC in 1.4 ish beta, started mods soon after IC2 was first...
  5. X

    Whitelist Server OTEGamers |FTB INFINITY - 1.4.0 | 64G RAM | TS3 | Great Community | Fast Whitelist |

    In-Game Name: xLyfa What are you looking for in the server? Fun, and meeting new people. I'd like to share creations with others, and be inspired by others' creations. How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since beta 1.4.x What experience do you have with Modded MC? Lots. I know my way...
  6. X

    Whitelist Server The Dark Trilogy 1.7.10 [Small group] [No banned items]

    Hey! I'm Jessica, ign "xLyfa". I'm 18 years old, in my senior/last year of highschool. Looking forward to college! I've been playing MC since.. Right before 1.5 beta or something..? Point is, I love this game, and I've gotten into playing with mods when IC2 was just about released (quite a...
  7. X

    LookingForGroup - FTB Monster (Will provide server)

    Don't forget there, too!
  8. X

    LookingForGroup - FTB Monster (Will provide server)

    Nice to have another person joining us! I'm looking forward to meeting you. Soul and I had a great start yesterday. I'll be on around 3:30 EST. See you both soon !
  9. X

    LookingForGroup - FTB Monster (Will provide server)

    Hey, I'm interested. Age: 17 IGN: xLyfa Experience: Started playing Minecraft in 1.4 Beta or somewhere around that. Lots of hours put into FTB. I like small servers. If you're interested in playing with me, I'm open!
  10. X

    Whitelist Server Land of the Ghast | Direwolf20 | 1.6.4 | 1.0.21 | White List

  11. X

    Whitelist Server Land of the Ghast | Direwolf20 | 1.6.4 | 1.0.21 | White List

    Aaaaaaaaaaand still waiting and waiting ....
  12. X

    Whitelist Server Land of the Ghast | Direwolf20 | 1.6.4 | 1.0.21 | White List

    Yeah well I'm done on the server haha. I never liked servers because I would usually put a lot of work into my base, only for the server to go down forever or something of the like. I'm just going to stick to singleplayer, which is the most reliable. :S
  13. X

    Whitelist Server Land of the Ghast | Direwolf20 | 1.6.4 | 1.0.21 | White List

    Yeah Ghast just do a rollback or rebuild. :/
  14. X

    Whitelist Server Land of the Ghast | Direwolf20 | 1.6.4 | 1.0.21 | White List

    The server has had quite a bit of problems lately eh