Recent content by TeamDman

  1. TeamDman

    Inability to do /back more than once

    If you trust the friends, I believe FTBUtilities lets ops have multiple homes set and removes the cooldown on /home use. Config values should definitely be preferred if they exist though.
  2. TeamDman

    Inability to do /back more than once

    There might be a config value depending on what mod provides the /back
  3. TeamDman

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, your power is to turn into a tree, forever. I wish I legally owned a credit card with infinite balance!
  4. TeamDman

    [1.5.2] Thaumic Tinkerer V1.0.8 Research Cheat Sheet

    Thanks for the list! I will definitely be using it in my researching adventures later on.
  5. TeamDman

    New Mod Packs ***Released***

    On FTB Unleashed is there any mods for converting MJ>EU and back again?
  6. TeamDman

    New Mod Packs ***Released***

    I enjoyed jumping 10 blocks high and railgun launching myself, but those got nerfed in MMMPowersuits :(
  7. TeamDman

    New Mod Packs ***Released***

  8. TeamDman

    New Mod Packs ***Released***

    Where do we post bugs?