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  • mikol002
    A brief summary of what you're good at (ie technical or aesthetic building, and/or mods that you're good at:i good at most of the mods i and i love all the mods.
    i can but when i have the money
    Your Minecraft uesrname: ShadowKiwi204
    2-3 pictures of a build you created (optional): I don't know how to send them to you.
    A brief summary of what you're good at : Technical building, I know about pretty much all the mods in FTB, except RP2 Computers.
    Whether or not you want to make a one time donation of $20 for guaranteed admittance.: I WANT to but I am not allowed. D;
    IGN: safaro
    What I am good at: I can play with IC2, MFFS, Buildcraft(exept fillers), Forestry, Thermal Expansion(still learning some stuff), CC(only the very basics), RP2(not ocunting Computers and some logic gates), I can build nice builds, I do like to keep them nice for the eye.
    Donation: I do not aprove "pay to win"
    IGN: nickfromgreek
    sorry no pics(yet)
    A brief summary of what you're good at (ie technical or aesthetic building, and/or mods that you're good at):good with veyr complex constructions not good at all at asthetics and forestry bees
    Donation: ye i consider that
    IGN: XxGangstahxX
    Pic: None
    What i'm good at: NEI's Minimap and NEI, other than that not much but the reason I want to join is to have fun and learn at the same time.
    Donation: I might donate if my gift card company would stop declining EVERY purchase I make online!
    Sorry if this isn't a PM. I am new to this forum.
    Your Minecraft uesrname: Sam8940
    A brief summary of what you're good at (ie technical or aesthetic building, and/or mods that you're good at): Redpower, Ic2, Computercraft
    Yes I can donate! Please PM donation information. Sorry if this isnt a PM. I am new to this form.
    in game name

    pictures of my builds
    i only have this old screenshot of one of my tunnel boor’s my computer crashed recently so i lost all my builds new builds

    where am i good at
    i am not good at aesthetic building but my technical are pretty good also i know almost everything about the FTB mods like IC2, RP2 BC, forestry…...

    donation ??
    i can't donate at the moment but i may will in the future
    IGN: HawkofMinecraft
    Sorry i don't have any recorded data of my builds
    I am mainly good at aesthetic builds but have a fair bit of knowledge of TC 3, IC 2, RP 2 and TE
    Unfortunately cannot donate at this time would absolute would in the near future
    I was looking for a server i love watching ur live streams and love FTB
    ign: Cocoaguy
    sorry i have no pictures
    i am good for building machines to help the server. my best mod is TC3 im good at Ic2, TE, and RP2
    i can not donate unfortunately
    hi iv bene looking for a gd ftb server to go on n join meny ppl to hav fun time
    ign. tapercrazy_jay
    i hav got pic of a skull in the roof i did a bit ago on my mates server so if needed can sent u it
    i like to mix it up with building/helping ect
    i enjoy playing/learning more about the mods
    I know so many people want to join (or at least I think there is from what I've seen from your server).
    ign: minerva_evan (no caps)
    no pictures sorry.
    I am good at... building natural buildings
    sorry haven't gotten a lot of money lately ill try to donate when I can though!
    sorry have none
    iv always loved decorating i started it in 1.7.3 beta and love to incorporate art with technology iv been playing moded minecraft for about a year and a half now and my favorite mods are ic2/rp2/bc and i wish to look into all the new mods i want to join a large proactive community and this looks like it might be it
    i have some money on a prepaid mastercard but i dont know if its 20 bucks
    Hey, I'm lookin for a simple FTB server to play on since single player got kinda boring for me :/
    IGN: EroxTroy
    I love to build and explore all the mods since I must admit I'm kinda new to FTB (I've done basics but hey..FTB is HUGE!) and I'm lovin it!
    I would love to donate in the future if the server is running good and stable. Means you deserve it.
    minecraft username: chrfow
    I've been using mods for about a year now, especially buildcraft, industrialcraft, and redpower.
    would love to play on the server, I like to work with others, and I'm not a griefer.
    no pics sorry
    don't have the extra money to donate right now, but may consider it in the future
    I don't know if you're accepting applications, but I'm going to try
    My Minecraft username is: Plasticman33
    I consider myself to be quite good at both designing aesthetic buildings and machinery.
    Unfortunately, I do not have any images of my builds, though if I do not meet your standards, feel free to remove me from the server.
    I am not going to donate until I see the server, and maybe not even then.
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