Recent content by Sycosplat

  1. S

    Feed The Beast Bukkit Server Guide (Video)

    While I can confirm this works, the list of compatible plugins is very small.
  2. S

    Gregtech settings

    I don't know if it's a glitch. I mean, NEI does look to the client for recipes, not the server. So it makes sense that I see the hard recipes regardless of any changes to the server settings.
  3. S

    Gregtech settings

    That's weird, because when I change the GT settings to easy recipes, it still shows the hard recipes on the server. That is unless I change the settings on my client too.
  4. S

    Gregtech settings

    If you changing Gregtech settings for an SMP server, won't all the players/clients need the same config files for it to work? It seems like a massive hassle.
  5. S

    ForgeEssentials released.

    Anyone tried this yet on the Feed the Beast pack? ForgeEssentials on GitHub