Recent content by RedWurm

  1. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    Fun fact: You can cycle between vanilla saplings through botania, once you have an alchemy catalyst set up under your mana pool. And yes I did only remember this after spending about an hour trying to work out how to get a birch sapling
  2. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    Right, I was wondering bout that - mariculture and buildraft have blocks that do it automatically I hear - but I've managed to bodge a workaround. Lava generation -> Fluid Transposer to put it in buckets -> Autonomous activator that triggers on redstone signal, wired up to a Block Update...
  3. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    Cyclic assemblers are pretty simple if you have a range of metal and a spot of lapis, but the main reason I use them for bulk processing is they look a bit prettier.
  4. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    Woopwoop! I was debating whether I want to spend god knows how long melting horses for glue so I can make mfr machines.
  5. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    I don't know if you're familiar with botania, but the beegonia is another form of mana generation for botania that eats bees dropped near it - they may need to be on the same level as the flower to get absorbed. To extract the mana, make sure the plants are close to a mana spreader and the...
  6. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    I you're using the industrial apiaries, I highly recommend the coloured honey quests. They can give you enough production upgrades to max out one apiary, and that would normally cost you, among other resources, a complete stack of bronze. Of course, my ambition always outstrips my resources. I...
  7. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    Well, unless there is a cheeky little quest hidden away that drops one, you're going to need some bees. Specifically, bees that make copper nuggets (cuprum), tin nuggets (stannum), and probably bronze nuggets if you fell like skipping a few steps in the crafting process. A bit of a faff when...
  8. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    The top is what passes for a roof at the moment. The pillars will have a fair bit of decoration, then the glass and gold ceiling will sit on top, and the solar panels and power distribution will be above that in a way that will be invisible from inside the building. The apairies are probably...
  9. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    Industrial apiaries with automation upgrades are my happy place, I remember doing the same thing back in the day with buildcraft pipes, and god damn it was a faff. Although it did instill an exhaustive knowledge of the early bee breeding trees through a lot of trial and even more error. I've...
  10. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    I've been playing for too long, I'm considering updating and starting fresh - I've just spent an hour planning out some new hotness in creative mode. But for now, here's my hot mess.
  11. R

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

    There are some quests that give you a template as reward - at least in the version I'm playing you can get one fairly fast in the Bee Restaurant tree, for example. Otherwise you're going to need some diamonds, but to be fair you probably won't need a chunk loader for a while unless your base is...