Recent content by Petra_Soft

  1. P

    Problem Bad Lag with few players

    really hate to say it, but your pc just can not run a server, I am surprise that one person could log in. Yes, it is possible to run FTB server on ubuntu, just install it from the client.
  2. P

    Red Power 2 News

    Sigh, because I clearly can not read. Did not see the mod bug section. Epic fail on my part.
  3. P

    Red Power 2 News

    Sorry sweetie, but... 1.) I do not go over there. 2.) Eloraam does not go over there.
  4. P

    Red Power 2 News

    Does anyone know if there is a support area for redpower 2? Just managed to crash everything. Generated 12/22/12 6:20 PM -- Head -- Stacktrace: at com.eloraam.redpower.core.ItemExtended.d( at up.i( at up.l( at ur.r(SourceFile:334) at...
  5. P

    IMPORTANT: Found a serious vulnerabilty in the FTB launcher.

    That was pretty much known from the start. It was pretty clear that anyone that pasted anything in the log file would expose their password. I will make a mental note, if your house is on fire, I will call the fire department, wait until the arrive before seeing if you are sleeping at home...
  6. P

    IMPORTANT: Found a serious vulnerabilty in the FTB launcher.

    Since it was fixed, what was it. A non answer here states it was the password bug. But withholding security information from the user is just flat out dangerous. Because the exploit will pass from those that would exploit it very quickly. But if it was not the password bug, I would like to know...
  7. P

    Transporting lava/energy from nether

    You only need 2 boarding tracks not 4. You only need 24 mystcraft crystals. Each portal only need 1 book receptacle and 4 crystals. C C C B C
  8. P

    IMPORTANT: Found a serious vulnerabilty in the FTB launcher.

    Security through obscurity is not security. If there is a problem with FTB, it is best policy to spill it out in public. Hiding it only makes the people who do not know does not know of it vulnerable to the problem. If I knew there was a chance that your car can be started with out a key, it is...
  9. P

    petra soft here.

    Sweetie, once they go girl, they don't go back! I never did get a criminal record at forums. But I am a very good troll. As for your rules, there is only one rule to petra soft. What ever I say, goes.
  10. P

    petra soft here.

    Yep, I am the troll from forums. No, I will not be trolling that much here. That is all.
  11. P

    RedPower news, and thaumcraft

    I have to say this. Just because there is only one bug left does not mean the mod will be released bug free. It could mean that there is one bug left that is not a game ending bug. I know for sure that everyone will find a minor bug or even a major bug and start screaming, "but I was forced to...