Recent content by PanosTG

  1. P

    Blocks don't render (Direwolf20 1.6.2 with mods disabled)

    Thanks a lot mate! I'll try your recommendations!
  2. P

    Blocks don't render (Direwolf20 1.6.2 with mods disabled)

    Im running 1.0.9. And I have not added anything to the pack, just removed certain mods to make it runable on 32bit. Also, iI just noticed it's 1.6.4, sorry for that mistake.. ;)
  3. P

    Blocks don't render (Direwolf20 1.6.2 with mods disabled)

    So I have managed to run the DW20 pack in my 32bit piece of crap but i have a slight problem. The blocks will not render. Here is a screenshot The super weird part is that i can even break and place blocks. I hope someone from the forums can help. Please inform me if you need logs...
  4. P

    Whitelist Server ][Direwolf20 Server ][White-Listed][

    InGame Name: PanosTG First/Preferred Name: Panos Age:18 Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes Have You Ever Been Banned From: No I have not Experience With FTB Packs: I have played a good amount of both the mindcrak pack and the ultimate pack but i don't like the whole...