Recent content by MoonKill

  1. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    I won't be able to play the following week. Just to let you know if it goes live in that time period. ( hope it will be up this weekend xD)
  2. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    So how is the progress ?
  3. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    Another idea - make overworld normal MC biomes, create one dim. with biomes 'o plenty, and one Void world. Then make mystcraft OP only. Problem solved xD Server offline ? -Slinta
  4. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    I don't use mystcraft anyways ^^
  5. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    Is it on the same IP ? or you will write it here when it goes live. For the mystcarft I'd make a creative book for everyone to use, that would prevent generating tons of worlds to get the page you want(Don't know if this still applies in the new versions). And maybe limit the nuber of...
  6. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    Bringing in some info from the owner: ''I need some time.. Because my ethernet isn't that good and i have to upload the large server pack i hope it will be up this weekend:)'' -Slinta
  7. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    Any updates on the situation ? - Slinta
  8. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    Yeah but for that you need mode people. also I'd say let's use the Infinity pack and go! ( I'm too eager to play xD ) -Slinta
  9. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    Adding some love for logistics pipes :) + all TC addons and Bee/Tree related stuff. Honestly we coud just use Infinity. - Slinta
  10. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    So that means another world reset ? :eek: -Slinta
  11. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    how do you add a permission to someone to acces the chests ? Thanks
  12. M

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster Elektribeasts 1.1.1 no banned items !

    Yesterday I logged out beacuse I had to do somethin then I tried to log back in but it says I'm not whitelisted. -Slinta
  13. M

    Whitelist Server Empyrean DireWolf20 1.7 | Minimum Plugins | No griefing | No banned Items

    IGN: Maxell6 Age:17 Why would you like to join ?: The server I used to play on is now closed, so I'm looking for another one :) What do you feel you could contribute to the server: Fancy buildings, Bee/Tree breeding...- a lot of people seem to ignore this part of Forestry. I'll try to be...
  14. M

    Whitelist Server OperationCraft|Monster 1.1.2|Whitelist|16G Dedicated|Close community|BoP,Bloodmagic|Teamspeak,Forum|

    Username: Maxell6 Age: 16 Location: Czech Republic Why you want to join: I played a lot of singleplayer, but single gets boring after a while, so I want to experience ''the Server''. How long you will play for and what are your plans: I'll play whenever I'll have free time. (School consumes a...