Recent content by Martok

  1. M

    Buildcraft robots not doing what they are told

    I did make sure the landmarks included the supply station, but they did not include the dirt. Still though, the robot went to a station outside the area and planted wherever it pleased (I would expect it to go home if there is no plantable spots in the area.
  2. M

    Buildcraft robots not doing what they are told

    Latest version of Buildcraft, 7.0.13, Pack is my own:
  3. M

    Buildcraft robots not doing what they are told

    My robots don't seem to be paying attention to their gate's instructions, especially when it comes to using zones. I have a large terraced farm area so I'd like a group of robots to pull seeds from a particular chest and plant in a particular area. Problem is, regardless of what I try, the...
  4. M

    Need help with modular forcefields.

    Which build of IC2 are you using? Hasn't worked for me.
  5. M

    Need help with modular forcefields.

    Looks like Calclavia is making progress on it, but it might be a while yet. Does anyone know a combination of the mod and engine that still works? Far as I can tell the newest was DOA.
  6. M


    Also, Sticky bees produce mucous comb which give slime balls.
  7. M

    Tell me I'm wrong but...

    Your numbers seem sound, and your math looks correct, but if you're using lava to power the centrifuges as well, you're using substantially more lava: 750s/process*20t/s*32EU/t/(30000eu/bucket)=16 buckets/process. So for every 16 buckets of lava you centrifuge, you need another 16 to power it...
  8. M

    Crushed Ice

    There really isn't much information on the this, so I'm very happy to see people looking in to it. Have you done any testing on the production of Ice Shards yet? I remember needing a lot of bees to keep up with just a few machines.
  9. M

    Multifarm throttling

    I think namiasdf is right, timing would be tedious. But it did get me thinking that I don't need to throttle the energy to throttle the farms. If I set up a series of diamond and iron pipes, i might be able to set a 'weight' for each farm, effectively changing the ratio of fertilizer sent to...
  10. M

    Multifarm throttling

    Don't multifarms use 5MJ/operation? An energy cell's minimum output is 5MJ/t so it wouldn't be able to slow anything down. I suppose I could hook several farms up to one cell and control them as groups. Not exactly what I had in mind, but it would be interesting. Along that train of thought...
  11. M

    Multifarm throttling

    Is there any way to adjust the speed at which a multifarm operates (other then shutting it down entirely)? I have 32 multifarms set up, but there is obviously no way I can keep up with the resource demand. I would like to be able to have adjust the rate at which they preform operations so that...
  12. M

    Automating quest ram...

    Why not use the coloured bees from ExtraBees mod? Much easier to automate a 16 apiaries or alvearies, I think, than 1 bunch of shear stations. Use string from a cattail farm to make wool, then distribute it to some autocrafting tables containing the dyes. Easy to automate using BC pipes, and...