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  • 1 more post till 2000
    While I haven't had the pleasure of really knowing you on these forums, nor used your modpack, I must say I want to thank you for the "re-spark" of Minecraft mod interest that you've sparked in the FTB community while the FTB team is making their 1.5 pack
    I hope to play it sometime but I'm afraid I won't have time
    Just thought I'd write this :)
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    Reactions: KirinDave
    Thanks. I wish I coud somehow get all the permissions at once just to make it easy.
    *talking next to you* *reminiscent stare into deep space* *drama mom talk* "Mod authors" *smh*
    A feel catches me and tells me you are having a bad time .... Is it me? Or am a magician?
    I'm crazy busy at work and I'm trying to keep everyone happy with the modpack and make time to chase permissions. It's not easy.
    Hmm. Streaming to twitch.tv is a huge pain on mac. Whereas if I were to just screenshare on to G+ in a hangout...
    Going through the same shit, damn macs. I DID and COULD stream to twitch, though I got 0-2 FPS... The only issue is my sound. Do you know how to stream system and mic audio to G+?
    Could you explain this setup you talked about a bit more for me?
    "Because as it stands; with Thaumcraft, Xeno's Reliquary and a tiny smidgen of Buildcraft I can outproduce a forestry walnut farm on seed oil trivially"
    How do I add/change mods in a Technic modpack like I do in the FTB launcher? I know how to get to the modpack folder, but where do I put mods like Optifine? Thanks! :)
    Optifine is special in that it is a jarmod, you need to install it like Forge. You do this by unzipping the minecraft jar, unzipping optifine over it, deleting the meta-inf folder, then rezipping the resulting files as minecraft.jar.

    I hope that helps.
    Thanks :D
    Hey, uh, would you mind sharing your wisdom on how to modify Metallurgy configs to include ores from other mods? I would love to try and set up my game with Metallurgy again.
    I'm at work so I don't have access to the file, but if you look in the metallurgy base config file the comments helpfully explain what to do. It works like this:

    1. You basically set the item id, run the game once, then use the regenerated config file. It'll contain an entry for that item id. Tweak as required.

    2. You disable oregen in the mod in question.

    3. You delete your old ./world/
    Hey, ApSciMorgs told me to ask you about AdvanceCraft, what it is, and it sounds like a good thing?
    We can let you on the server if you like, by the way.
    Thank you for the kind offer, but I think I'd rather play SSP for now. I like cheating stuff and testing stuff out. :)
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