Recent content by Kegbeard

  1. K

    Mod Pack Update

    I get an error in NEI while looking at the lists of items it crashes the server I have made sure my block and item ID's are clean of conflicts
  2. K

    Mod Pack Update

    Was hoping to see Biomes o Plenty to be added :( but glad were one step closer to a final version
  3. K

    Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

    If only it was that simple :)
  4. K

    Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

    They could just release a 1.5.1 lite edition with what's out right now.. and add those packs later when there ready (IC2, Railcraft, Red power 2, etc...)
  5. K

    Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

    Ok so it was mentioned that FTB does this for free.. which to some point that's true. Now they have a deal with Creeper Host, they receive donations for their efforts usually the ones streaming though, they help promote mods and their authors.. they are getting some kick backs. On that note, I...
  6. K

    Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

    Basically they both offer the same core of tech mods, with some differences.. I just thinking the FTB group made a mistake by placing a date on release. and have not said anything about prolonging it another week to add mods to the list that are still in testing or anything. To just make note on...
  7. K

    Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

    It's very interesting... they promote the fact that FTB 1.5.1 mod packs will launch today.. and then they only put on the bottom of slowpokes stream a note that there is no date for the launch of these updated mod packs. Now as a Server host who has told everyone we'd be starting a fresh new...