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  • Hi karmarcharger, loving Blast Off, we're playing on the Texas Mafia Server and you very kindly had a look at the problems we were having for Duffie563 in the past couple of days. Many thanks for doing that, really appreciate it.
    Thanks so much for making a wonderful mod. I am playing on the Texas Mafia Server and this mod is fantastic. again thank you
    What is the way to make galgadorian stuff/other machines with assembly? You told a dude in the chat that this was possible, but there is no NEI recipe
    hey im having a problem getting the new map i downloaded the modpack so i can play( thanks to the yogscast for showing me this ) but i dont have the map they have. is mine outdated?
    My friend has a problem he gets on the Blast Off server and when he tries to move an item he gets kicked from the server any ideas?
    Make sure your client and server is the same version :3
    I'm pretty sure all the music you used for the battlemusic mod is from Naruto. Am I the first one to notice this?
    do remember I_Hacks_221, he sais he knew u from ftb ultimate, pherhaps you would not mind getting in a Skype call with us and help us through this? and fyi, cauldron can be manually updated, and we have done so.
    part 2: but on your modpack, it wont even try to start the server with cauldron installed, I imagine this has something to do with the .jar FTBServer-1.7.10-1231.jar, and I cant figure this out. so can you confirm or deny your modpack will work with cauldron, and if it can, could you please tell me how to properly set this up, thanks.
    hello again, I was just wandering, is this modpack compatable with cauldron, I would like to have plugins on my server, and I have installed cauldron same as any other modpack, ive never had any issues installing cauldron,
    Last time I recalled Cauldron is not being updated anymore ..... the server is running on 1291 forge, is cauldron compatible with that?
    Also in the server.zip there is a protection mod called mytown2 installed in it, perhaps you want to take a look at it ;/
    You can also install forge's world edit into it
    ok so new issue, soul vials are not working, I cannot capture or release anything with them, any way to fix this issue? btw renaming the sapling storage did work, thanks! EDIT: I found the issue, when soul vials are stacked, they will not release the held mob, just have to split the stack!
    so I cannot get the quests to work with my server, I got the bedrock façade and progressed to the sappling storage quest, problem is, it wont let me turn in the cell, you see I don't want to use the cell because then no one else can use it, hence cannot progress the quests, so how can I fix this?
    what version of the pack you are running on? Just rename the sapling storage , " Sappling storage"
    im trying to run the server from my own machine, but when i run the .bat file, i get an error saying 'A problem occurred running the Server launcher.java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException' I have tried to do everything, and google has been no hope to me :(
    how does the smasher work i tested ores in it and it just put out smashed ore. what do i put between it.
    (Also it can break bedrock XD)
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