Recent content by Idgarad

  1. I

    Possible Best Optimization 64-Bit 8G Intel Core2 Linux

    It's very possible it could make it worse. The threads shouldn't be adjusted unless it is really causing issues. The RAM tweaks are more complex. Based on your server's workload likely New Ratio, Perm and New size, as well as the heap ratios also need to be adjusted if you are getting a negative...
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    MCPC+ |ForgeEssentials|BukkitForge(Bukkit mods{kind of})

    Please see: IF you are having issues with MCPC+ (Or server hosting in general) The tests were done with MCPC+ so the settings may help
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    Possible Best Optimization 64-Bit 8G Intel Core2 Linux

    After running 240 regressions doing a worldborder fill 100 on ext4 calculating GC times and TPS the following is as far as the metrics show the optimal configuration with the least amount of thrashing on an 8GB physical ram server. 10 Mystcraft worlds were initially set up with a maxed size...
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    Adblock vs Pay2Sub - Your thoughts?

    Anyone remember books that didn't have ads? Now I read about how "Hollister grabbed his Pepsi-One from his Kenmore Fridge and threw on his Galco holster with his newly assigned Beretta 92A1. It didn't fit his hand as well as his Glock 19 but standard issue was standard issue. He bolted out of...
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    Reevaluate Millenaire as a stock mod

    It seems to work just fine. I don't see how vanilla villagers and the TC and forestry villages factor into this since they are separate villages and systems.
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    Reevaluate Millenaire as a stock mod

    After extensive use in 1.5.2 with Millenaire on a server I have found it to be quite stable now and as far as server load, rather minimal. Should we re-look at having Millenaire a more mainline mod in modpack now rather then a nice-to-have in SSP? I am curious on why we wouldn't want it in...
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    New Forestry 2.0 Farm Blocks aare a PITA

    Except when you only get say 100 chunks in your chunkload quota. On some server's i've seen it restricted to as low at 10 chunks. Space is very much a premium when put in context of how many chunks you get to keep loaded.
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    MystCraft Discussion Thread

    For server operators worried about expiring mystcraft ages. Simply do find command and purge files > 30 days, just RM -rdf that dimension's map files. It really is that simple. Worse case someone who hasn't been on in 30 days spawns were he last was and regens those chunks. If you haven't showed...
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    Dynmap and Mystcraft

    Cut and Paste This trick seems to work. Set "deftemplatesuffix" to something invalid, eg. "nope", and configure worlds.txt to look something like this: Code: worlds: - name: FTB-Beta-A title: "World" template: hires - name: FTB-Beta-A_nether title: "Nether" template...
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    FTB Pack Comparison

    A Bukkit line for Direwolf20 and FTB. In short: A version of those two mod packs that are synced the the last bukkit ported set so from a client standpoint (no server version unless there is a mechanic for that) you can connect to Bukkit servers. e.g. For a Bukkti version of Direwolf20's...