Recent content by GenghisKahn1992

  1. G

    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    Found a fix on the GitHub Page. I have a fix for this. Open the scripts folder within Regrowth location, open the mics.zs and find the lines that say //Make flour require M&P - fixes wheat seeds recipe conflict recipes.remove(flourBarley); recipes.remove(flourWheat)...
  2. G

    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    I found a bug, When using the Botania mortar and pestle to grind wheat into wheat flour it duplicates the mortar and pestle for each wheat.
  3. G

    1.1.0: Flat Bedrock not Flat

    Version: 1.1.0 What is the bug: Like the title says the bedrock which has been flat in all the other versions is not flat when I create a world. I went into the configs and made sure that it was set to flat bedrock but it didn't change anything. Mod & Version: