Recent content by FullMetalFox

  1. F

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    Hoff, youve missed the point of that example. The point is purly the risk=reward factor, which is a core element of minecraft itself. Easiest example is mining, you risk your characters life and items (the dangers of mobs and lava), and your getting rewarded for doing so by getting more...
  2. F

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    Im basicaly one of these type of players, risk something but get a reward for it, or fail and pay for it. Sad thing, in terms of energy, there isnt anything for us. Just plain old "build it and forgett it" stuff except medium risk, low output nuclear reactors. Kinda sad that the people who are...
  3. F

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    Yeah, only thing your need for geo power is setting up a big grid (5x10 geos) for example and enough pump stations in the nether to supply them, and bam 1000eu/t for a long time, but at least you have to build some systems. Lava = early game, low maintanance, low output per block space Nuclear...
  4. F

    Max MJ's Per Tick for a Quarry?

    48MJ as i know, so 50 with a redstone energy cell.
  5. F

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    I only counted the playtime were i was actually doing something, crafting and building, i havnt counted the time of minecraft just running in the background so my quarries could run, as i dont know how long that was in total. Most of my energy came from a quiet large array of nether supplied...
  6. F

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    Yes, got 1 of them. Took me about 4 day each playing around 5 or 6 hours (Mindcrack v6 pack), once ive got all the mats for a matter fabricator it was quiet easy, as getting iridium is the most difficult part in my opinion, once youve got a supply of iridium via uu matter you can craft hybrid...
  7. F

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    Hi guys, im just wondering, whats the point of nuclear reactors? I mean, even with gregtech its quiet easy to get a 512eu/t solar panel, its just 1 block, generates as much as most save nuclear reactors and doesnt need any kind of part replacement or fuel. And if you get 4 of them, they...