Recent content by ancamdrew

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    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Mindcrack v8.3.2|Whitelist|TS3|Grief Prevention|Essentials|Multi-Verse|Keep Inventory

    Forum name: ancamdrew In-Game Name: ancamdrew Age: 18 Country: United States Have you ever been banned? why? One because an admin was talking about buying a new computer to be able to play WoW on. As a computer science student, I give him a recommendation, he said hes just gonna get a mac book...
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    Whitelist Server Industrial Nation|Mindcrack|Whitelisted|Community SMP |15 slots open

    Age: 18 First Name: Cameron In-game name: ancamdrew Do you have a Mic?: (Y/N) yes TimeZone: Eastern Why should we pick you?: because I'm not under 16? If thats not a good reason... I'l contribute a lot, and be quite active, if you're server live up to the hype I'll play 4+ hours a day easily.