Recent content by ahwtx

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    Has Greg finally lost it for good?! GregTech gone mad

    nice to see the OP being a class act. i could (and should) have been quite a bit more classy in my own reply.
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    Has Greg finally lost it for good?! GregTech gone mad

    ya know, this forum could use a whole lot LESS of the snarky replies that always plague threads like these. gregtech is a great mod, but it's not for everyone. you (and i mean that in the most general sense possible) don't need to be a dick to people who don't immediately jive with the...
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    quick question about the latest builds of ic2
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    quick question about the latest builds of ic2

    first off, happy memorial day to all of you in the states! second, i'm being lazy here (because i could test this for myself), but does anyone know if the newest builds of ic2 and the various ic2 add-ons (i.e. adv machines, adv solars, etc) have any compatibility issues? i recall that after...
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    My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

    what would it take to get a server that can handle, oh i dunno, let's say 16 slots or so? (is 16 enough for everyone who's as interested as i am in RR?) i am willing to donate to a worthy cause. edit: speaking of which, i may be able to host a decent server myself. according to...
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    My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

    hah, i hear you with the spouse thing. although, my spouse isn't quite my spouse just yet. she's only my fiance. :p i suppose we should ask the man himself (dave) what he thinks. this is his baby. i would love a communal effort surrounding this pack, though! i work a pretty early schedule...
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    My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

    i have three problems. 1.) i absolutely love the direction RR is heading. it's a "breath-of-fresh-air" departure from the vast majority of mod packs available these days. exploration of new mods is an integral part of the continuity/longevity of this wonderful little sandbox we all adore. 2.)...
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    Forestry Butterfly's? O.O

    say lepidopterology five times fast! was looking through the new forestry config and went, "... huh?!" had to google that one. :p
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    1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

    did you compile your modanalyzer.jar (the mod itself that the python script injects into the temp-server) from the source on agaricus's github? and if so, did you happen to name it "ModAnalyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"? if you did compile it from source, but simply don't have it named as such, go...
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    Power Converters complaining thread

    please keep making awesome mods, power crystals. your work is appreciated!
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    1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

    1.) you need to have python 2.7.5 installed. 2.) you need to compile the modanalyzer mod itself from the source available on agaricus's github. 3.) you may need to edit the script itself to reflect proper paths relative to your system/environment, as well as to reflect which...
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    Epicness Overload - Moving turtles with a Joypad

    this is sweet! i wanna see rock 'em sock 'em turtle tournaments! epic battle arenas! man oh man, the possibilities! seriously, good job. :)
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    1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

    EDIT: i am we todd it. wonderful program, agaricus. simply wonderful!
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    ExtraBiomesXL vs. Biomes O Plenty vs. ? (for 1.6x+)

    those testworld biomes are exciting to read about, and then when you watch that video:
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    turtle coding

    is that just a typo in your post or does your code really have: until turtle.drioDown() == false that's line 13. if you do have that typo in your code, well then there you go.