Whitelist Server InfinityCraft|FTB Infinity 1.2.0|Whitelist|24/7 DEDI|14GB.

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IGN (minecraft username): Skiptrace
Skype (pref): KaosC57 (I think)
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Central
How long have you been playing mods?: Since the first FTB Launcher.
Why do you want to play on the server?: Looking to restart my modded career and play with a bunch of nice and friendly people.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I can be a bit sarcastic and abrasive, but never a jerk, I tend to help people
What are you good at?: Making things look good, Tinker's, Thermal Expansion, and a bit of AE2
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Yes, once, but it wasn't me that got banned, it was my little brother, but that was like 2 or 3 years ago.
Anything else?: Nope.
Or when that doesn't work deleting your player.dat should always work but this will result in loss of your inventory.
IGN (minecraft username): TheNecromage
Skype (pref): PvM.Akatsuki
Where do you live? United States of America
Timezone: CT
How long have you been playing mods?: Started using them at around 2013
Why do you want to play on the server?: Looking for a nice community to make friends with and dive into another of FTB's amazing mod packs.
What are you like? Nerdy for sure. I tend to use a lot of thought process, sometimes making an end goal to a project bigger than need be.
What are you good at?: Tech mods. I have been trying to head into magic as well.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I have never been banned.~
Anything else?: Nothing that I can think of.
IGN (minecraft username): Benmines
Skype (pref): benfreemantle
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT + 0
How long have you been playing mods?: A couple weeks but i've learnt fast (i think) :P
Why do you want to play on the server?: It get's very boring on your own server and having other people to help / play with is all ways more fun.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I like humor almost any humor, i can take jokes and also give them, i would say very mature for someone of my age especially around people who don't yet know me, for anything else i guess you would have to find out ? :)
What are you good at?: In minecraft i would say pretty much anything, im not the best interior designer but give me a few hours and your bedroom will look fabulous darling. As for outside of minecraft i would say im generally very good with computers i know whole lot about them, ive ran numerous servers for other games and know a whole bunch of snippet computer languages. Outside of my bedroom :) im a pretty good rugby player, socialist, easy to get along with (i think is quite a good trait to have)
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Once when me and my friend used modded clients on the newly hyped "hunger game" servers, other than that no.
Anything else?: Nope i think that just about sums up everything.
IGN (minecraft username): Smittew
Skype (pref): smitty0018
Age: 23
Where do you live? (Country): United States
Timezone: Eastern Standard
How long have you been playing mods?: For the past month or so, so am still new!
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'd like a fun community to learn mods with, as well as having people there if I have questions. Also, single player can get pretty lonely...
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm a really laid back guy. I'm not too talkative, but I'm usually a good conversationalist. A tad bit on the shy side starting out, but I warm up to people pretty quickly.
What are you good at?: Well, since I'm new with mods, I can't say anything about that in particular, but in Vanilla I love everything redstone. I've built a couple calculators and just love tinkering with stuff like that.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope!
Anything else?:
Not that I can think of!
IGN (minecraft username): Pikkon3890
Skype (pref): Don't Use
Age: 28
Where do you live? (Country): USA
Timezone: Pacific
How long have you been playing mods?: 3 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: Tired of hosting my own servers with little players. Would love to play on a server with a large community
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Not a dick when it comes to respecting people's in game property. Pretty chill, and go with the flow.
What are you good at?: Really good at most tech mods. AE2 Thermal Expansion, IC2...etc
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): nope
Anything else?: I've ran multiple servers (FTB, ModSauce, Utopia, a couple custom ones) and I am really looking forward to playing on a server I am not running. I know how hard it can be sometimes and I appreciate your dedication to running this.
IGN (minecraft username): nateDog965

Skype (pref): Nathan McKee

Age: 17

Where do you live? (Country): U S A

Timezone: Pacific Time

How long have you been playing mods?: sence augest of 2014

Why do you want to play on the server?: to improve the community and to lend a helping hand to the community.

What are you like? (Personality-wise): I help others when they need any assistance.

What are you good at?: i'm good at applied energistics, ae2, and big reactors, also i have a specale building type.

Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): no i have never been banned from a server.

Anything else?: no that prity much is all.
IGN (minecraft username): YouUrble

Skype (pref): xACEDxKILLERx

Age: 16

Where do you live? (Country): USA

Timezone: Eastern Time

How long have you been playing mods?: 5 years

Why do you want to play on the server?: I want to join a fun and small community because the bigger ones aren't very like my style, I like to get to know everyone i play with. I know alot about mods and can help people troubleshoot some problems they may be having, give tips, and overall help out.

What are you like? (Personality-wise): Happy, but also shy.. Try to help others, and i cant really explain the rest of me in words.. Its harder than most think

What are you good at?: Building/Not so much decorating.. Mods... I can do decent code in computercraft (LUA)... Problem solving. Just about everything

Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope, i usually stay around long enough and the server either disappears or theres been one time where the server owner cheated in alot of items for certain players and made it all completely unfair and laggy.. so i left..

Anything else?: Hope to get accepted and play with you guys soon!
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