Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

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Soul Solarflare

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to the Nuclear Alliance
Powering your imagination since 2011

About the server

Servers closed until further notice. We're hoping to have a new, updated server (atleast up to 1.5.2) running at some point. Due to all of us having real life things to take care of, this might take a while so you guys might wanna grab some popcorn.

We here at Nuclear Alliance are commited to creating a quality enviroment for our players to enjoy.
With staff members from around the world, you can rest assured that someone is always available to help you.

Currently running: FTB Ultimate v1.0.1 for Minecraft 1.4.7

Mickemini - Co-Owner
Shade_In_Blou - Co-Owner
Weakman54 - Admin
Daviewonder156 - Admin
Eagleyes - Admin
Hyorinmaster - Admin
Dragzter - Admin
LegionOfWarHSM - Admin
MrGreenTreeStar - Admin

Feed The Beast Launcher
Download the Feed The Beast launcher from their site then install the FTB Ultimate modpack from the launcher's list.



No Give Backs - Items lost due to death or personal stupidity will not be refunded back to the player. Anything lost due to a server error or theft is usually returned. (Some exceptions may apply)

No Spawning - All mods, admins and owners are forbidden to spawn items, enemies or anything else for personal use or for other players.

No Griefing/Stealing - If you are found guilty of griefing/stealing you will be banned. If we suspect you of any griefing or stealing, you will be temp banned until the matter is settled.

Nagging (for anything) - On the first offense, you will be asked to stop nagging. After the first offense, you will be ignored. Any subsequent offenses will result in being kicked, and a ban will be administered for persistent offenders if necessary.

No Caps Lock - Typing all in caps is annoying and unneccessary, you will get kicked for this.

No X-Ray - If you are suspected of using x-ray, you will be confronted, and given a chance to explain yourself. If you are found guilty you will temp banned for a day. The second time you will be perma banned.

No Excessive Language - While everyone may enjoy talking like a sailor, we ask that you refrain from using excessive amounts of curses or other foul language. Failure to control your mouth (so to speak) will result in a warning. Failure to abide by the warning will result in being kicked, after that you'll just be flat out banned.

Advertising - Talk to an owner, admin or mod before advertising anything. Advertising something without permission will result in a warning, continous advertising without permission will result in a ban.

Mob Spawners - ANY and ALL projects involving mob spawners MUST be presented to an admin for approval before being constructed. Failure to comply with our request will result in suspension of activity for a time frame based on the severity of the infraction.

Nuclear Reactors - ALL reactor builds must be approved by an admin before use.

Turtles - Currently Melee Turtles are entirely banned due to players abusing them. They will not be unbanned so don't even ask.

Thaumcraft Golems - Currently both the wood and clay golems are banned.

Chunk Loaders - ALL chunk loaders are banned, no exceptions. Anyone using chunk loaders will be instantly banned, no I'm not joking.

Application Form
For the whitelist link part of the form please go to http://whitelist.mcf.li and type your username in the text box then click submit. After the website brings up your username, copy the link and paste it in the whitelist link part of the form.

Failure to completely fill out our form will result in your request to join our server being denied.

Whitelist link:
Why do you want to join the server:
Will you be active:

Server Address

Ventrilo Server
All Nuclear Alliance members wishing to join the Ventrilo server should email Daviewonder156 at daviewonder156@live.com for details and account creation. Please provide your IGN so hes aware of who hes dealing with.

We currently have a 100 slot Ventrilo server for Nuclear Alliance members to use should they so desire it. If your thinking about joining us and would prefer to ask some questions before deciding, your welcome to join us on Vent if posting on the forums doesn't appeal to you.

Banned Players
These are players we have banned from our server. This isn't a "name and shame" list, its simply here to show the offenders why they've been banned.

Name & Reason
ForsakenNinja2 - Verbally abusing other players and admins, excessive use of
caps lock and continious use after being told to stop, refusal
to follow the rules even after being warned, refusal to follow
admin orders when asked to remove and discontinue use
of chunk loaders and then attempting to hide one from the
admins, excessive cursing and theft of items from others.

Kinyo980 - Verbally abusing others, mocking people with disabilities and medical conditions and refusing to follow the rules.

ChanHD - Same offenses as Kinyo980.

PuRple_CrePPers - Stealing from other players.

TheLastFate and thetravis0916 - Both discovered a dupe exploit and abused it to massive extents. Both of them tried to lie their way out of being banned and failed.

any takers for our server, we run the latest versions of all mods that are included with the minecrack version of feed the best and we backup the server on a daily basis and keep downtime to a minimal, so you never lose a thing

Our dedicated and friendly team and vast team from far west as the US and as wide as Sweden , our sole purpose to provide you with the best possible experience the game has to offers and we take a zero tolerance to anyone who decides to cheat, hack or grief you and they will we dealt with the harshest of penalties and depending on the situation we be happy to give back what you lost as we know as players our self, what it's like to go into a mine for so many hours to get the ores you need to craft an item only for it to get grief from you.

so if you liking what you reading, then don't hesitate to make you app (it on takes a couple of minutes....even less than that :)) and we look at ASAP and if you have a further question then don't hesitate to PM me or drop me a message on Skype and i'd be happy to answer them

hope you all in a mine sometime!!!!!
IGN: kiloth44
Age: 15
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/bf6b4faac18c51218467822368dd57c94cc7cdc2 i hope this is what you wanted.
Why do you want to join the server: i want a server that has a good set of rules and doesn't have a ton of jerks and people that hate others. this server is exactly what i want and i hope that you guys will at least look at my application.
Will you be active: i will be active on about 1-2 hours a day. (after school)
I would apply if I knew one thing,
are the Gregtech recipes hard or easy?
It depends on a few factors such as how far along you are in the game and if your working alone or with a team. I find most of them easy enough to the point it doesnt take me 3 weeks to make something. Does that help?
I meant, does it take 3 diamodns for a macerator or no?[DOUBLEPOST=1357956540][/DOUBLEPOST]Me and 1 friend have 2 Small youtube channels and are investing time into finding a server for an LP season.
I meant, does it take 3 diamodns for a macerator or no?[DOUBLEPOST=1357956540][/DOUBLEPOST]Me and 1 friend have 2 Small youtube channels and are investing time into finding a server for an LP season.
The Macerator isn't part of Gregtech, its Industrialcraft 2 and yes it requires 3 diamonds and a few other materials to create.
kiloth44 you app has been accepted, welcome aboard!!!!!!

and yes kronza you do need diamond to make it now, feed the beast has made recepies a lot more harder to make most of the items now and we have spend a better part of a day getting the stuff but i say it makes the game more enjoyable to play, and plus with all the new features that mincrack and feed the best have to offer........i hope you be just as suprised as we are at some of the stuff you can now make
I have expierence with FTB, I probably know more then anyone on your server, I'm a youtuber, hard mode isnt good, too much grinding, I'll find a different server.
IGN: jumpfigtht5
Age: 15 (I'm going to be 16 in a week and a half, if age matters)
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/aaf914858d1fa30430cb202a3dab470c050d39d4
Why do you want to join the server: I'm getting frustrated. All day I have been looking for nice servers. I want something that doesn't give lag and something with limited banned items and no abusive staff. I have whitelist applications that have been pending for about a week now, and I can't wait, I just want to play. I'm not new to all these mods, I know a lot of them pretty well, things like xycraft, factorization, and thaumcraft are new to me, but IC, BC, RP, and Forestry are places I am experienced in.
Will you be active: If I join, and my first impressions are good, yes, I will be quite active. If I'm plagued with force quits and alltogether bad things, then I probably won't stay active. I'll make sure to tell you if I won't be playing.

A question or 6: What are your plugins? Can I /chunk claim? Can I /sethome? Can I /spawn? Any mining Mystcraft ages? Anything your server has over all the other ones here (besides apparent knowledge of grammar use)? EDIT: I'm sorry about the bluntness, I'm just tired, annoyed, and frustrated. I'm hoping this server will turn my mood around :)
IGN: jumpfigtht5
Age: 15 (I'm going to be 16 in a week and a half, if age matters)
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/aaf914858d1fa30430cb202a3dab470c050d39d4
Why do you want to join the server: I'm getting frustrated. All day I have been looking for nice servers. I want something that doesn't give lag and something with limited banned items and no abusive staff. I have whitelist applications that have been pending for about a week now, and I can't wait, I just want to play. I'm not new to all these mods, I know a lot of them pretty well, things like xycraft, factorization, and thaumcraft are new to me, but IC, BC, RP, and Forestry are places I am experienced in.
Will you be active: If I join, and my first impressions are good, yes, I will be quite active. If I'm plagued with force quits and alltogether bad things, then I probably won't stay active. I'll make sure to tell you if I won't be playing.

A question or 6: What are your plugins? Can I /chunk claim? Can I /sethome? Can I /spawn? Any mining Mystcraft ages? Anything your server has over all the other ones here (besides apparent knowledge of grammar use)? EDIT: I'm sorry about the bluntness, I'm just tired, annoyed, and frustrated. I'm hoping this server will turn my mood around :)
Currently we're unable to run any plugins due to Bukkit still being in a dev version. As soon as they have a public release we'll get the extras sorted out. I'll add ya to the list, your welcome to leave anytime you like.
Currently we're unable to run any plugins due to Bukkit still being in a dev version. As soon as they have a public release we'll get the extras sorted out. I'll add ya to the list, your welcome to leave anytime you like.

Aren't the 'simple' plugins (/chunk claim, /home, /spawn) run without using Bukkit? Correct me if I'm wrong, I see tons of FTB servers using them.
Also, I think I'll stay. The lack of lag is just making my decision a bit too easy. I found an okay spot, and a whitelist server tends not to have griefers, so I'm hoping that's going to happen here. I have a bed, but I like to use /home. /summon is good too. Maybe look around these forums, a lot on non-whitelisted servers have them too.
IGN: Doublee1998

Age: 14

Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/f8a4f541f1a6631215dff59fbd6d1b83cfded842

Why do you want to join the server: I have been a part of servers that have closed, that have been infected with thieves, liars, and non-legit players. I am quite tired of it and this server seems to be an exceptionally good one. The plainly explained rules will keep my precious items safe! :D On a brighter note, I love to be a part of a small, tight-knit group of enjoyable and uplifting players! I hope to make farms, factories, and work on community projects! :)

Will you be active: 1-2 hours a day!
