Greylist Server [FTB Monster 1.1.1] [Greylist] The Edge of the Hedge Server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to the forum page for The Edge of the Hedge Server!
Server IP:

This server runs on FTB Monster 1.1.1, public pack. Please enable the Blood Magic mod found disabled in the modpack. If you do not, you will not be able to connect.

1. Don't grief.
2. Be friendly, we're all friendly casual players here.
3. Cussing and the sort is alright, this is a MATURE server, just be sure you're not violating rule number 2.
4. No hacks, I dunno how you'd go about doing that with FTB, but just dont cheat. This is SMP.
5. Just have fun, once my OPs or myself have met you, we will give you privileges to editing blocks on the server accordingly.
6. Of course, please fill out the application. Info regarding the application below.

Breaking any of the rules will result in temporary, if not permanent banning.

How the greylist works:
First things first, post your information below as an application to obtain privileges. This means the following:
-Your IGN
-A little 'about me' to define how low you've played FTB, or how familiar you are with the pack, and what kind of player you are.

For example, here's mine.
I started playing FTB off and on about 2 years ago, I'm quite familiar with it. I came to FTB after I stopped using Tekkit. (They took away Industrialcraft, my favorite mod). I'm a community player, the whole build-in-the-same-area type of thing. I enjoy working on things collaboratively. Will I force you to? pff, no.

After that, feel free join. Since it's greylisted, you can join whenever, however you'll notice that you do not have the ability to edit the world, only to adventure around in it. Only once I have reviewed your 'application' post to the server will I decide whether or not to give privileges. This is to avoid sabotage and to filter out users, but still feel free to join the server whenever you please. Please bear with me if I take a while to get back to you, seeing as I have a job and the sort. I will get to you asap.

About the Edge of the Hedge server:
This is a casual FTB Monster 1.1.1 server that began May 19th, 2014, with only a few players to start so far. We're open to newcomers and would love to get a community going, it's quite lonely with only a few of us around.
To get to know a little bit about our community, here's a list of the players we have already.
J4R0D (Jarod) - Admin/Owner
bredivil95 - Moderator
TxMaverickxT - Moderator

Other Info:
Difficulty: Normal
Gametype: Survival
Slots: 30
RAM: 1.5GB (more info regarding hardware specs available via, the host of the server. I run the Lapis plan.)

(As of 5/21/2014, 11:00AM, Eastern Time - 5:00)





Hope to see you guys soon!

J4R0D, Server Admin

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Hey guys, I'll probably be joining in the afternoon, but first, some concerns

Are there any banned items?
Is 1.5gb enough ram to support a ftb monster server with 30 slots?

Hey guys, I'll probably be joining in the afternoon, but first, some concerns

Are there any banned items?
Is 1.5gb enough ram to support a ftb monster server with 30 slots?


Hey Lisugau, great to hear! I probably won't be online til later tonight due to plans today. I think a moderator shoooould be on.

As of right now there are no banned items, the only thing I don't want you using is cheats/hacks, but I dont expect that's going to be an issue.
So far the 1.5GB has been serving us well, but then again we only have a few people. My thoughts are if the RAM is not enough to support the amount of people that are playing, then I'll probably bump up the plan for more RAM and slots.

You're welcome! Hope to see you online!
I just updated the OP with a new rule about applying to the server. Please post your mini-'applications' below and I'll get to them as soon as I can.
IGN: Lisugau
Age: 16

I'm a player that really loves the tech mods. I've messed with magic before, but I've always enjoyed tech mods the most. Recently I've been using a lot of rotary craft and reactor craft, which are complicated but a lot of fun. I typically isolate my base for safety and fps reasons, but im pretty active in chat most of the time. Been playing ftb for a very long while and know the basics to most of the mods. Just looking for a new server after the last one didnt turn out as I hoped. Hope to see yall soon!
IGN: Lisugau
Age: 16

I'm a player that really loves the tech mods. I've messed with magic before, but I've always enjoyed tech mods the most. Recently I've been using a lot of rotary craft and reactor craft, which are complicated but a lot of fun. I typically isolate my base for safety and fps reasons, but im pretty active in chat most of the time. Been playing ftb for a very long while and know the basics to most of the mods. Just looking for a new server after the last one didnt turn out as I hoped. Hope to see yall soon!

Hey! Alright, I added you the servers user list, you now have priviliges to the server! I think you'll have fun here for sure. I haven't gotten much into the magic stuff yet, as I'm more of the tech user myself :D I hope to see you on the server soon!

EDIT: Lisugau, I noticed in the log you were attempting to connect earlier but kept disconnecting. I'm just wondering, was there an error or message of some sort upon disconnecting? Or was that you? I just want to make sure this is avoidable in the future for players not in the list, and to make sure you can connect with ease. You should have been able to connect, which is bothersome.
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My buddy and I (solofrog and cpt_fortress) would love to come play with you, if you dont mind me putting a group app in :)
We are 26 & 25.
We have been playing on Direwolf20 for a while and even ran a few server. We are a very knowledgeable team with one of us being a systems administrator with a BA in Information Technology, and one being an Economist with a degree in Economics (of some sort). If you ever need any help with the server at all, you can let us know as well. Thanks!
My buddy and I (solofrog and cpt_fortress) would love to come play with you, if you dont mind me putting a group app in :)
We are 26 & 25.
We have been playing on Direwolf20 for a while and even ran a few server. We are a very knowledgeable team with one of us being a systems administrator with a BA in Information Technology, and one being an Economist with a degree in Economics (of some sort). If you ever need any help with the server at all, you can let us know as well. Thanks!

Hey Solofrog, sounds like the two of you would fit in quite well! I don't mind the group app, two birds with one stone right? hahah, but alright! I'll definitely contact you if there's help needed with the server :D Thanks for the offer! Welcome to the server guys!
Sorry I didn't manage to post it earlier when I did it, I had no time to whatsoever, but I just added the Blood Magic mod and Lycanites Mob mod to the server. In order to connect you must now have Blood Magic and Lycanites Mob enabled in your modpack, otherwise you'll receive an error. Cheers and see ya on the server!
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-I have been playing feed the beast off and on for about a year and a half due to the fact that i havent been able to find a community of people who want to just work together. I'm familiar with alot of the simpler mods and edgy on the more complex mods (definitely have alot more to learn.) Although I am the type of player who is willing to work together with people as in one area or big factories with some other people and willing to give any help i can to other players as well as talking to them.
-I have been playing feed the beast off and on for about a year and a half due to the fact that i havent been able to find a community of people who want to just work together. I'm familiar with alot of the simpler mods and edgy on the more complex mods (definitely have alot more to learn.) Although I am the type of player who is willing to work together with people as in one area or big factories with some other people and willing to give any help i can to other players as well as talking to them.

Welcome to the server c: Glad to have met you right off the bat! You'll be a great addition to the server! I'll be starting a community area near spawn at some point in the near future, so we can do more cooperative stuff and new members will find a safe place right off the bat. If you have any questions or need help we'll help ya as much as we can! See ya on the server again soon!
Update to the server guys! The Lycanites mod is no longer active on the server, please remove Lycanites mod from the launcher if you haven't yet. Thanks!
I am newer to FTB although I have played it before, I don't know a ton about mods but I am looking for a nice community I can fit myself into, people I can play with, learn and build with.
I am newer to FTB although I have played it before, I don't know a ton about mods but I am looking for a nice community I can fit myself into, people I can play with, learn and build with.

Hey Vexsanity! Welcome to the edge of the hedge c: I'm glad to have met you via the server so soon. As you already know, you have build privileges c:

Also, as an update to the server, Bukkit Essentials has been installed and you now have the ability to use /sethome, /home and various other new commands. The home commands are the only teleportation capable commands you will receive, as this server looks down upon 'cheating.' However, after putting though into it, I decided to allow it.
ING: Gladiator_Titus
Age: 17
I've played FTB for about a year or so, was really into Tekkit until I got a laptop that managed the run FTB well. I love to build and the mods help to make building oh so much more awesome.
ING: Gladiator_Titus
Age: 17
I've played FTB for about a year or so, was really into Tekkit until I got a laptop that managed the run FTB well. I love to build and the mods help to make building oh so much more awesome.

You sound like a great addition to the server :D Welcome to the edge of the hedge server, I hope to see you online! I'll put you through the greylist now and meet ya sometime.
ING: TanTanz
Age: 18 (Turning 19 in 4 days)
I've played FTB on and off for about a year. I played Tekkit for two years before I discovered FTB (also when Tekkit starting getting bad). I understand FTB Ultimate quite well, and I just recently starting playing Monster. That being said, I have been doing research to help better my understanding of the pack. I am an independent worker in a collaborative setting; meaning that I like to work near, trade with, and help out other players, but it is important that I have my own working/building space.
Welcome to the server TanTanz :D Sounds like you've been around the mods for quite some time! That's awesome, it sounds like you'll get along great on the server. I'll add ya in the greylist, hope to meet ya online sometime :D
-Your IGN: Gori11a
-Age: 28

I started playing minecraft about 4 years ago, and about a week later started FTB, vanilla is very very boring. I've been around most ftb mod packs and love every bit about them. If you don't mined i do stream my games, and just yesterday started a YouTube ftb series. Hoping to continue. I do love helping, and i keep pranks to none destructive lvl's.
Welcome to the edge of the hedge server John :D sounds like you know your stuff! Nah I don't mind if you stream it, that'd be cool with me. And alright as long as it doesn't harm others' progress n all hahaha, pranks are fine.