2014 FTB Pax Challenge Speed-Running Discussion

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So this thread will be a central area for people to discuss their routes and their fastest times.

Fastest Time:
The current fastest time belongs to Brain Cancer who got a rtime of 9:53

There are two primary sections to this game, there is the time from pressing the button, to placing the iron chest in the pool of water, and there is the time from placing the iron chest in the pool of water to completing the 4 objectives. As I see it, these are the only two things that must occur chronologically so this is the easiest part to split up

From Start to Iron Chest:
This section is relatively straightforward and I believe I have devised the fastest time to do this section. This should take around 1 minute if done quick enough. We are also going to assume that you are not allowed to break the starting chest. If this was allowed then the time can be improved by roughly 3 - 4 seconds by instead of opening the chest, breaking the chest instead saving you making one later.
  1. Press the Button and fall down to the chest (without taking damage)
  2. Open the chest and take the minium stone to a space in your hotbar. This can be done quickly by hovering over the stone and pressing "1"
  3. Leave the chest and jump down to the nether portal and enter
  4. Run over to the mob drop platform and collect at least 18 gold nuggets
  5. With the Minium Stone in your selected hotbar slot press "c" to open a crafting grid
  6. Craft 2 Gold ingots with the 18 gold nuggets
  7. Craft 16 Iron Ingots by crafting the 2 gold ingots with the minium stone
  8. Craft 1 Ender Pearl by crafting 4 Iron Ingots with the minium stone
  9. Run back to the nether portal and use the ender pearl to teleport onto the island
  10. Cut down two pieces of wood from a tree and open your minium stone crafting grid
  11. Craft a chest by turning the wood into wooden planks and then create the iron chest
  12. Run over to the pool in the middle and drop the iron chest in
From Iron Chest to End Game:
This section will be the hardest to find a fastest time and will most likely be incorrect, but I will discuss different strategies to get each of the four objectives and the recommended order to do it in.

Firstly there are two items that must be created so we can make a list of things that must be made or attained. The two items are a Tesseract and a QuarryPlus.

The tesseract has a very lengthy crafting recipe but these are the raw materials needed to be grabbed from the chest (this includes the machines: Pulverizer, Magma Crucible, Fluid Transposer, Induction Smelter)
Just the machines (Pulverizer, Magma Crucible, Fluid Transposer, Induction Smelter)
  • RF Power Supply (Choices Later)
  • 4 Cobblestone
  • 32 Copper Ingots
  • 2 Flint
  • 8 Gold Ingots
  • 31 Iron Ingots
  • 4 Lead Ingots
  • 2 Nether Bricks
  • 18 Redstone
  • 22 Sand
  • 1 Wood/3 Wooden Planks
If machines are already made
  • 1 Blaze Rod
  • 1 Coal
  • 3 Copper Ingots
  • 1 Diamond
  • 8 Ender Pearls
  • 3 Iron Ingots
  • 2 Lead Ingots
  • 4 Obsidian
  • 1 Redstone
  • 1 Shiny Ingot
  • 4 Silver Ingots
  • 1 Sulfur
  • 4 Tin Ingots
Here are the materials needed from the chest for the QuarryPlus (including Assembly Table).
Just the Machines (Assembly Table, Lasers)
  • MJ/RF Power Supply (Lasers can take both)
  • 6 Obsidian
  • 1 Redstone
  • 5 Diamonds
  • 4 Gold Ingots
  • 4 Iron Ingots
  • 4 Cobblestone
  • 1 Wood/2 Wooden Planks
  • Lasers, this is how much of each material you need per laser
    • 2 Diamonds
    • 2 Obsidian
    • 5 Redstone
After the machines are made:
  • 240500 MJ/2405000 RF
  • 7 Wooden Gears
  • 1 Dandelion (Yellow Flower)
  • 29 Iron Ingots
  • 28 Cobblestone
  • 3 Redstone
  • 12 Diamonds
  • 16 Gold Ingots
  • 30 Sticks / 4 Wood
Some laser math:
Each laser can only individually output 4 MJ/t (40 RF/t) which is equivalent to 800 RF/s. If we are going to make 2405000 RF this means that one laser running at full power will take around 50.1 minutes. Adding in a second laser will double this, so the relationship between completion time and the number of lasers is equal to:
Completion Time in seconds = 3006.25/(Number of Lasers)
Rearranging this can show that if we want to complete this in 5 minutes we will need around 10-11 lasers, however we will also need 400-440 RF/t in the system for this to happen.

RF Power
Since Lasers can also take RF, I think that it would be much more efficient to use RF for all power (except for the 300000 EU).

Here is a list of all RF Generating Sources that are able to be used:
  • Steam Dynamo with Coal/Charcoal (80 RF/t)
  • Magmatic Dynamo with Lava Cells + Liquid Transposer (80 RF/t)
  • Reactant Dynamo with Blaze Power Fuel (80 RF/t)
  • Survivalist Generator with Coal/Blaze Rods (5 RF/t)
  • Furnace Generator with Coal/Blaze Rods (80 RF/t)
  • Lava Generator with Lava Buckets (80 RF/t)
  • Ender Generator with Ender Pearls (80 RF/t)
  • Heated Redstone Generator with Redstone + Lava Buckets (160 RF/t)
  • Solar Generator (80 RF/t) [These can not generate power and transmit at the same time]
  • High Temperature Furnace Generator with Coal/Blaze Rods/Lava Cells (40 - 1960 RF/t) [As the generator recieves more fuel the temperature increases and the power output does too]
Out of all of these, I think the best options are either: Ender Generator or High Temperature Furnace Generator. Both output a significantly large amount of RF however the main difference is their cost, their maintenance and the basics of how the run. The ender generator will always run at a flat 80 RF/t but if you fill the High Temperature Furnace Generator it can run much faster but takes longer to get to that stage, I recommend filling it with lava cells as it seems to make it run faster.

EU (IC2) Power
For this portion we need to generate 300000 EU, the only mods in the game that create EU are from IndustrialCraft 2 and here are the power sources that can be created
  • Generator with Coal/Charcoal (10 EU/t)
  • Water Mill (2 EU/t)
  • Solar Panel (1 EU/t)
  • Wind Mill (5 EU/t)
The last three IC2 Power options are almost useless so your only choices are really the Generator. The Geothermal Generator would be an option, however one of its crafting ingredients is two empty cells and there are only three ways of getting this, via a metal former, an extractor or by using the liquid transposer on a lava cell (which we have infinite supply of). You can use the liquid transposer method if you wish, however I believe that this would be more hassle than just making double the number of generators.

Some Generator Math:
So if we were using just one Generator, it would create the required 300000 EU in around 25 minutes. Using two generators will create it in 12.5 minutes, therefore the equation for the time taken for a certain number of generators is:
Completion Time (in seconds) = 1500/(number of generators)
If we wanted to complete this step in 3 minutes then we will need 8 - 9 generators.

The Strategy
Well firstly we need to realise the time constraints set by each task, the longer it takes the earlier we do it. For example I recommend getting the QuarryPlus set up first, then EU, then the RF and finally the tesseract. The reason for this is that the QuarryPlus requires over 2 million RF to complete, this will be the longest task to complete and should be the first priority so you can do other things while the laser is doing its work on the assembly table. The second thing is the EU, if we were to use the Generators running at 10 EU/t then it would take 25 minutes to do so, we should set up more however so it won't take this long but this is the next task.

The 400,000 RF doesn't take as long however I feel that it would be more worthwhile to stick just one Ender Generator on top of it and use the other preferred RF method in the center. The reason for this is that even if you were to use a Heated Redstone Generator or a High Temperature Furnace Generator, it has a lot more maintenance and will most likely take a lot longer to set up than crafting an ender generator which when combined with ender pearls lasts a lot longer and therefore doesn't require as much time to check up on. Finally the last step would be the Tesseract, this step should be done at the same time as when the Ender Generator is being made and you should also already have the RF generators set up from when the QuarryPlus was made, this means you only need to focus on making the 4 machines and the tesseract parts.

Using the above logic you should be able to create your route, if you have spare time during any of the steps which is waiting, do something else that will help later for example the glass for the Tesseract stage or if the lasers look like they are taking too long make a few more.

If you have any more optimisations please post them in the comments. Also if you have found a video or some kind of proof of a faster time please post it. I will also keep track of the records here too.
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AFAIK, JDNerd now has the fastest time at 12:39. Here is the link to his new video:
Thanks, that dude is seriously fast. On Friday I'm gonna be streaming some speed running of this and see how fast I can get. I am going to see the difference by using the High Temperature Furnace Generator instead of the Ender Generator
Thanks, that dude is seriously fast. On Friday I'm gonna be streaming some speed running of this and see how fast I can get. I am going to see the difference by using the High Temperature Furnace Generator instead of the Ender Generator
Here is a "Cheat Sheet" I found on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeas...cient_cheat_sheet_for_ftb_pax_east_challenge/
It's actually pretty helpful, you should use it and see how fast you can get with that method. Good Luck ;)
This is the "Cheat Sheet" I made and (semi) followed through my run.
Also, is breaking the beginning chest cheating?
1. break chest, 18 nuggets to 2 ingots to 16 iron to ender and iron chest
2. Aim between posts, drop everything except chest

GRAB: 1s wood, 3s cobble, 1s sand, 2s blaze, 3s iron, 1s tin, 6 rubber, 1s gold, 5s redstone, 1s lava

3. make 16 furnaces, place 1 to smelt sand
4. make forge hammer, make 43 iron plates, make 12 tin plates and 20 tin item casings
5. make wire cutter, make 6 tin cable
6. make 5 generators, place
7. make 26r blocks, 5 iron blocks, 5 heated redstone generators, place

GRAB: glass, 1s lead, 1s obsidian, 1s diamonds, 2s redstone

8. make 18 leadstone conduits, place
9. make 16 lasers, place
10. make 8 iron gears (+3 buckets) to 5 gold gears to 3 diamonds gears
11. make diamond pick to quarry
12. make assembly table, make diamond chipset
13. get flower, make yellow wire
14. get Quarryplus started

GRAB: glass, 1s copper, 2 flint, 1 ferrous, 2 nether brick, 8 ender, 1 shiny, 1 sulfur, 1 coal, 1 blaze, 4 silver

15. make 4 machine frames, 4 redstone reception coils, 8 copper gears, 1 piston
16. make pulverizer, magma crucible, liquid transposer
17. grind 1 ferrous, 2 iron, 3 tin, 1 shiny, 1 coal, 4 obsidian
18. make induction smelter
19. melt ender pearls, craft blaze powder
20. make 2 pyro and 4 ender
21. induction smelt ender, hardened glass, bronze
22. make tesseract frame, fill

Whoops, just saw the reply 2 posts above me

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Current time to beat (on version 1.0.1 of the map) is 10:52 by JDNerd, you two are seriously amazing.
Current time to beat (on version 1.0.1 of the map) is 10:52 by JDNerd, you two are seriously amazing.
I believe he will be uploading it soon (according to his youtube page) so I will wait for JDNerd to do so
This is the "Cheat Sheet" I made and (semi) followed through my run.
Also, is breaking the beginning chest cheating?
1. break chest, 18 nuggets to 2 ingots to 16 iron to ender and iron chest
2. Aim between posts, drop everything except chest

GRAB: 1s wood, 3s cobble, 1s sand, 2s blaze, 3s iron, 1s tin, 6 rubber, 1s gold, 5s redstone, 1s lava

3. make 16 furnaces, place 1 to smelt sand
4. make forge hammer, make 43 iron plates, make 12 tin plates and 20 tin item casings
5. make wire cutter, make 6 tin cable
6. make 5 generators, place
7. make 26r blocks, 5 iron blocks, 5 heated redstone generators, place

GRAB: glass, 1s lead, 1s obsidian, 1s diamonds, 2s redstone

8. make 18 leadstone conduits, place
9. make 16 lasers, place
10. make 8 iron gears (+3 buckets) to 5 gold gears to 3 diamonds gears
11. make diamond pick to quarry
12. make assembly table, make diamond chipset
13. get flower, make yellow wire
14. get Quarryplus started

GRAB: glass, 1s copper, 2 flint, 1 ferrous, 2 nether brick, 8 ender, 1 shiny, 1 sulfur, 1 coal, 1 blaze, 4 silver

15. make 4 machine frames, 4 redstone reception coils, 8 copper gears, 1 piston
16. make pulverizer, magma crucible, liquid transposer
17. grind 1 ferrous, 2 iron, 3 tin, 1 shiny, 1 coal, 4 obsidian
18. make induction smelter
19. melt ender pearls, craft blaze powder
20. make 2 pyro and 4 ender
21. induction smelt ender, hardened glass, bronze
22. make tesseract frame, fill

Whoops, just saw the reply 2 posts above me
And in the new update the map has revised the rule and now lets you break the chest. Don't worry though nothing else has majorly changed except that you must now drop the tesseract and quarry plus in a pool of water instead of a chest
Wow this is amazing, I don't normally get competitive but this is fun. Nice to know I can break the chest, I'll try my hand at a faster time tomorrow. P.s. this is JDnerd :p . I had a problem with receiving the confirmation email so I just made an alt account.
so... I was looking at the high score table and apparently there is someone who got 9:25
His name is ForggierKnaver, however I do not know if he cheated or not, but it might be a legitimate run
After reviewing logs, the fastest legit time is still BrainCancer at 9:53.00 followed by JDNerd at 10:07.40. Out of curiousity, either of you attending the competition?
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Reactions: BrainCancer
Unfortunately not. PAX is on my birthday and would be a great self-gift, but I can't justify the money.

And they sold out a long time ago.
Fortanately, this testing has given me a few things I need to fix with the server portion of the timer. It's mostly sorting best times better, and I have a few more tricks for checking for cheating. (Obviously nothing I want to share publicly)
After reviewing logs, the fastest legit time is still BrainCancer at 9:53.00 followed by JDNerd at 10:07.40. Out of curiousity, either of you attending the competition?
I'm afraid not, Im a uni student in the UK with exams, no money or passport :P. But good luck with the competition!
Well, I've greatly improved my stats tracker. Still a number of entries that I'm confident are cheated, but I'm being cautious and not throwing out any times that have a chance at being valid. It still appears that JDNerd and BrainCancer have the fastest times. direwolf20 is a close (3rd or 4th), not sure which.