Private Pack Shadowrealm, Shadowrealm pack 2.0. MC 1.6.4 (whitelist)

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Alright. You don't mind me doing this then?

Mekanism: A high tech mod that adds many new machines compatible with Thermal Expansion power. It adds lots of alternatives to IC2 stuff for those that prefer to exclusively use TE power whilst still adding lots of completely new content that's really well balanced and fun to play with. Lots of new ways to generate power and use lots of it. It has great things like jetpacks, a very original miner, hydrogen generators, baby zombies wearing glowstone armour, robots, balloons and even balloons carrying robots. All pretty cool stuff.

Thaumic Tinkerer: An addon to Thaumcraft that adds lots of new wand foci, a new form of enchanting, a way of sharing research between other players. It fits together with Thaumcraft really well as it tried to follow along TC's themes and it almost seems to be a part of vanilla TC.

Hats: Hats appear out in the wild and it's fun to collect them. You can trade them with other players to add to your collection. You can also download the addon Hat Stand which allows you to place hats down in the world for aesthetics purposes. It works quite well with Morph.

MFR using the TE recipes: I would recommend this as it means those that use TE don't end up using too many different components that are unique to MFR. It sort of unifies the two mods and modded MC is at it's best when it's there's a unified feel. This is the norm in most FTB modpacks at the moment.

Tinkerer's Mechworks: It's the other half of TiC. It adds really cool drawbridges that can push and pull blocks up to 64 blocks, it has it's own form of wireless redstone and block igniters. All pretty cool tech stuff. Without it we're kind of playing with only half of TiC. Almost the same for Thaumic Tinkerer.

Bibliocraft: Adds lots of aesthetics and storage. Tables, chairs, tool racks, armour stands and a printing press that you can automate to create a newspaper delivery company or whatever you want. Write a novel and distribute it all around the server. All of the aesthetics blocks just make everything look really nice. Works well with Chisel and Carpenter's Blocks.

Edit: Natura: A great mod that adds a large variety of plants. All of these plants have been designed to compliment Biomes O Plenty really well and none of the content overlaps. It adds crops that you can grow into string and wool. There is a new method to create bread. Plenty of new crops. Berries exist that you can grow and creates lots of food. The berries are an interesting unique mechanic. It also adds plenty of impressive trees which can be made up of lots of different shapes. My particular favourite is the redwood tree which is bigger than most Twilight Forest trees and makes for great early game base as they're hollow on the inside. It adds great compatibility features with TiC and adds particular only access feature if you have Natura.
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Alright. You don't mind me doing this then?

Mekanism: A high tech mod that adds many new machines compatible with Thermal Expansion power. It adds lots of alternatives to IC2 stuff for those that prefer to exclusively use TE power whilst still adding lots of completely new content that's really well balanced and fun to play with. Lots of new ways to generate power and use lots of it. It has great things like jetpacks, a very original miner, hydrogen generators, baby zombies wearing glowstone armour, robots, balloons and even balloons carrying robots. All pretty cool stuff.

Thaumic Tinkerer: An addon to Thaumcraft that adds lots of new wand foci, a new form of enchanting, a way of sharing research between other players. It fits together with Thaumcraft really well as it tried to follow along TC's themes and it almost seems to be a part of vanilla TC.

Hats: Hats appear out in the wild and it's fun to collect them. You can trade them with other players to add to your collection. You can also download the addon Hat Stand which allows you to place hats down in the world for aesthetics purposes. It works quite well with Morph.

MFR using the TE recipes: I would recommend this as it means those that use TE don't end up using too many different components that are unique to MFR. It sort of unifies the two mods and modded MC is at it's best when it's there's a unified feel. This is the norm in most FTB modpacks at the moment.

Tinkerer's Mechworks: It's the other half of TiC. It adds really cool drawbridges that can push and pull blocks up to 64 blocks, it has it's own form of wireless redstone and block igniters. All pretty cool tech stuff. Without it we're kind of playing with only half of TiC. Almost the same for Thaumic Tinkerer.

Bibliocraft: Adds lots of aesthetics and storage. Tables, chairs, tool racks, armour stands and a printing press that you can automate to create a newspaper delivery company or whatever you want. Write a novel and distribute it all around the server. All of the aesthetics blocks just make everything look really nice. Works well with Chisel and Carpenter's Blocks.

I've got two more, then I'm gonna ban myself from posting here for a month week.

Modular Powersuits and Modular Power Suits Addons: MPS adds an end game powersuit which effectively turns you into Iron Man. You can fire lasers, fly and get your helmet to eat for you. MPSA just received a fork making MPS have a lot more modules. It has the one tool to rule them all as well. Pick axe, laser, hoe all in one tool. If you select this mod I recommend using TE recipes as well for the same reasons as MFR.


Gives us a wrench that works on all machines practically.
Think he also has a block that lets you swap ores and such between their different Ore Dictionary versions but don't think we really need it but it's included.


MFR using the TE recipes: I would recommend this as it means those that use TE don't end up using too many different components that are unique to MFR. It sort of unifies the two mods and modded MC is at it's best when it's there's a unified feel. This is the norm in most FTB modpacks at the moment.

Are you referring to a mod, or a change in the .cfg?

Also I'd like to suggest that any suggestions of mods and/or changes have included in their post a link to what their talking about. At least Shady will know what you're on about. Because I don't know whether you're talking about an add-on mod that MFR has or TE has to do this?
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Gives us a wrench that works on all machines practically.
Think he also has a block that lets you swap ores and such between their different Ore Dictionary versions but don't think we really need it but it's included.


Are you referring to a mod, or a change in the .cfg?

Also I'd like to suggest that any suggestions of mods and/or changes have included in their post a link to what their talking about. At least Shady will know what you're on about. Because I don't know whether you're talking about an add-on mod that MFR has or TE has to do this?

I'll edit the post later. Not at computer

MFR using TE recipes is a config change.[DOUBLEPOST=1390203269][/DOUBLEPOST]


Gives us a wrench that works on all machines practically.
Think he also has a block that lets you swap ores and such between their different Ore Dictionary versions but don't think we really need it but it's included.


Are you referring to a mod, or a change in the .cfg?

Also I'd like to suggest that any suggestions of mods and/or changes have included in their post a link to what their talking about. At least Shady will know what you're on about. Because I don't know whether you're talking about an add-on mod that MFR has or TE has to do this?

Oh and omnitools has been discontinued. It's functionality is in the Redstone Arsenal mod.
Up comming pack update:
removed: enviromine
Added: Redstone arsenal, Compact solar, Advanced machines, Railcraft, Infernal mobs, Harcore Ender Expansion, Extra utils, Binnie mods

any more suggestions will be in the pack update after the upcomming one, already changed the recipe setting on server side[DOUBLEPOST=1390213071][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ingame name: havek42

Age: 16

Minecraft experience: Since Beta 1.3

Average behaviour and goal on server:I like to help others and try to be the best on the server.

Some information about yourself: I go to a private school, i value education above all else and i enjoy working with a community to further others and myself.

if you read the rules and do you agree with them? I do
Accepted. pack code will show up in pm
Up comming pack update:
removed: enviromine
Added: Redstone arsenal, Compact solar, Advanced machines, Railcraft, Infernal mobs, Harcore Ender Expansion, Extra utils, Binnie mods

any more suggestions will be in the pack update after the upcomming one, already changed the recipe setting on server side.

Nice to see so many of my suggestions added. Makes me happy. :) The only one that was excluded was Natura. Are you still under the impression it's unnecessary with BoP?
Server shouldnt be down. And pack updates always happen on thursday/friday by the pack team of ftb

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I8190 met Tapatalk
Sorry, but it is.


Mind if I question you again on your stance on Natura?
Ingame name: Hurxen

Age: 28

Minecraft experience: Been playing minecraft for a long time. Was a admin on a tekkit server for 2-3 years.

Average behaviour and goal on server: I'm a chill person just looking to have a good build.

Some information about yourself: Work as a computer tech irl and looking for the best time sink game ever.

if you read the rules and do you agree with them? Yes, of course.
Don't know how many people use it here but if you have Steam it'd be neat to make a group perhaps and then we could all chat through the Steam group chat.

I know Minecraft isn't on Steam or supported but if you're just maximizing your game in Window mode it shouldn't be problem, and even better if you have a headset or mic we can start up voice chat :)

If you're interested reply to this post and we can figure something out perhaps?
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I could indeed make a steam group for the server

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I8190 met Tapatalk

Honestly only worth it if a group of us wanted it really, otherwise people might as well just add their friends on Steam who they also play on the server.
Just added a reboot that happens every 12 hours. added 2 warning, 1 5 minutes before and 1 1 minute before
Ingame name: Hurxen

Age: 28

Minecraft experience: Been playing minecraft for a long time. Was a admin on a tekkit server for 2-3 years.

Average behaviour and goal on server: I'm a chill person just looking to have a good build.

Some information about yourself: Work as a computer tech irl and looking for the best time sink game ever.

if you read the rules and do you agree with them? Yes, of course.
Accepted, will add you to whitelist
Just wanted to add that though some people are curious about others:


Seriously guys, if I don't want to tell you everything I do and build then just bugger off.


[Edit] Looking at both you Meva and Strikingwolf :P
If I don't invite you in then don't just break in.
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