Nether too hostile now?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It used to be bad enough dodging constant Ghast fireballs, but now I am finding that my life expectancy (with iron armor) is under a minute due to the combination of firebats and heatscar spiders, both of which set you on fire. Being on fire in the nether is a real bummer because there's no way to put yourself out. So even if you defeat the enemy, you will still likely burn to death. Is the nether supposed to be like this now? Like a realm where you need something on the order of invulnerability just to enter it? The Nitro Creepers are also abound, which will insta-kill you unless you are heavily armored. There's not even a chance to kill them with a sword first. On top of all this, I have Mo Creatures installed which has its own assortment of hostile nether mobs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could disable the spawning of these creatures in the options of Mo'Creatures and Natura and Thaumcraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
fire resistance potion.
suitable enchanted armor.
lit-up cobblestone fort.
have a good bow with you.

set difficulty to easy or peaceful.
disable the spawning.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Extra utility watering can : it can put out fire on you
Dartcraft force armor : almost invincible
Jetpack : can keep you from nasty things


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, maybe a few tips from my bag of tactics might help you. (In case not, I think you should be able to just disable the mobs)

First and foremost, invest into a good sword. Offence is the best defense as they say. It is most certainly true in the new Nether.
With that in mind:
Firebats: These are easy. Whenever you're dealing with them, just stand still. If you see 'em coming, try to swat them as they come. In case you didn't see 'em coming and one has managed to hit you, do a 180 and swat it. Seriously, you don't know where it is? Just turn around aim slightly up, and swat. Guaranteed hit. Most of all though, don't move. Ever. The fire goes out pretty quick, the explosion doesn't hurt much. So those don't really matter as long as you kill 'em quick.

Ghast: Aim slightly above you. You can safely ignore them most of the time. Just don't jump.

Heatscar: Eww. Normal spider tactics apply, walk backwards and swat 'em as they jump at you. Timing is key.

Nitro: bow. Seriously, the fuse is so short that they'll explode even if you sprinthit 'em and walk backwards real quick after striking. OTOH, that does about half a heart of damage.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
haha I was actually there looking for a couple pieces of glowstone so that I could build a jetpack. Used to be an early game option, but it seems the nether is more of a mid-game realm now. I'm fine with that really, since minecraft has always been too easy, but I was just thinking the heatscar spiders are a bit crazy.

Also, I can't seem to find anything in the Natura options so I can shut them off. Nothing anywhere about heatscar spiders.
They take quite a beating too. Setting you ablaze while you whack them. Lightning wand does ok but not nearly as much damage as you'd expect. Tough mobs! And numerous. I wouldn't mind toning them down to maybe 20% their current occurrence if possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One can also craft still water out of two uu matter and significantly defang the nether. If you're playing unleashed, there's a dartcraft force weapon upgrade that will disable a creeper's ability to explode if you manage to hit them once.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When you get UU-matter, make water-source blocks and carry them with you. On fire? No problem. Jump into your mini pool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was a bit baffled at the beginning aswell, but you get used to it and will find out how to keep yourself alive


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yup, unless you turn down the difficulty/limit or eliminate spawns/take other steps to make it easier, the new Nether is a scary, scary place.

And I absolutely love it. I always found the Nether to be WAAAAAY too easy. Pigmen are neutral, Ghasts and Magma Cubes are too slow to be any real danger, Wither Skeletons would be annoying if they spawned in packs but are fairly easy by themselves, etc. I think the only place I ever found myself in any kind of danger was charging a Blaze spawner to capture it and turn it into a farm.

Now, with Nitro Creepers sneaking up on you, horrifying Heatscar Spiders, and nether ores that actually give you a reason to have to fight off the Pigmen's all nice and terrifying. Exactly the way it should be.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I also please note that if you add in Nether Ores, even the piggies seem out to get you (when you steal their stuff, anyway)!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is the NETHER which is suppose to be HELL not a daisy land. Natura and biome o plenty make the nether what it should be. With quartz in high demand, they should it make it challenging to get it instead of just mining it with no trouble. You can put yourself out with spring water in the nether. Just deal with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I agree its pretty cool, but its just not something you can even think about venturing into successfully in the early game like it used to be. Before, you could run in and grab 4 glowstone dust quick and run out, to get yourself a jetpack. Now you gotta wait till you armor up to say, nanosuit armor. This also makes the upper class armors actually meaningful instead of boring.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally had always found the nether too easy, I'm glad that it's harder now. What's a trip into hell without a bit of death?

One trick I have would be to set up your nether portal on a ledge above lava. This sounds like horrible advice, but mobs can't spawn of there is no land for them to spawn on. Make a cobble tunnel to the land and at the very least, you won't have to worry about the trip over. As for ghasts, bows.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heatscars aren't too bad; use their size. When you see one coming, dig down 2 and jump in, they'll be trapped on top at your mercy. If you can't dig, build around you, 2 blocks up in front, behind, to the left and right. Alternatively, build a small wall:
X                 H
X= wall
N= ground
H= spider

It doesn't need to be long, even 1 block long works. The spider will climb up and get stuck under the lip, you can then kill it safely.

To get nether ores safely, kill/trap any pigmen or else they will slaughter you.

If the fire is getting to you, kill some imps (orange, short, blocky things) and make imp leather armor. It comes pre-enchanted with fire protection on all pieces. The meat can also be eaten in an emergency, but beware it poisons and fires you so make sure you're well-protected! Cooking it may help and after being cooked it gives more hunger, less negative effects, and even fire protection, so I'd highly reccommend cooking it.

If your tools start breaking and you're not *quite* home yet, you can probably find some natura trees to make tools from. You can use nether ores if you want tools better than wood. If you have arrows but no bow, make a bow with the string from heatscar spiders and the sticks of the trees.

These strategies are coming from someone who had to start from scratch in the nether and travel 2k blocks to a portal ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hmm there's 2 sizes of heatscar spiders though. The big ones which seem at least as big as the overworld spiders, but the little buggers too which are fast and tough, and about half the size as the big ones.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Nether has always been crap for a combat-averse builder. Used to be it was devoid of anything interesting once you snagged your netherwort and some soul sand. Now it's full of cool stuff, but is chock full of hostile denizens. Yuck.

I went with a modernist style of architecture in my current world, but had a real problem mob-proofing all those broad, open spaces. I *was* going to tough it out until I had the tech for MFFS, or at least a couple of magnum torches. But then I went to the Nether, took one look around, and set the game to peaceful.

Challenging monsters are better suited to games where combat is the focus (see: Dark Souls). In Minecraft, they're just an irritating distraction from the cool stuff I want to build.

Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, your experience may vary, etc etc.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
You think that's hard, try installing zombie awarenss and infernal mobs. You don't dare spend 5 seconds outside at night in the overworld. The number of times we have died on the Omega Dawn server these last few days must be in the double digits for each of us. Has been quite amusing, and forcing us to work out new tactics due to the improved AI.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hmm there's 2 sizes of heatscar spiders though. The big ones which seem at least as big as the overworld spiders, but the little buggers too which are fast and tough, and about half the size as the big ones.
Haven't seen any little ones yet, but if they're half the size that would make them about 1.5-2 blocks wide; they'd still be too large to fit through a 1-block gap.