Whitelist Server Iridium Aspect (IrA) | 1.5.2 | Whitelisted Beta Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Hello everyone, and welcome to the Iridium Aspect experience. Iridium aspect is a small private server with ambition and the desire to expand. As a community we have undergone two map resets, switching from the Mindcrack pack, to the Ultimate pack, and we are finally starting the Unleashed pack. We look to increase our active member count to at least twenty, from about ten at the moment.

Enabled Mods

Biomes O' Plenty

* This is a beta pack, and while we are going to do everything we can to prevent a map reset, nothing is guaranteed.

Features & Plans

Another feature of the Iridium Aspect server is the "Let's Play" community. While it is not mandatory, Let's Plays are encouraged. Some of us are more experienced than others in the LP department, so we aren't really holding any high standards for the Let's Plays at the moment; the main idea is just to have a fun time with it. Community LPs are always a lot more entertaining!

On opening day, we plan to have an opening ceremony of sorts where we all start together. The idea is that in the beginning we are going to all build around spawn and create something of a "Capital City" and this city will be called Iridium Aspect (of course). Eventually after our cobble shacks and wooden huts are up and we have a decent little start-up community area, we are all going to run off on our own, or in pairs, or what have you and start our main bases. Every so often we will return to our home in the Captial City to improve it, thus making a beautiful community capital by end game. You can of course connect your main base to your capital building via mystcraft or other means, which will act like a Hub, making the Capital a great place to travel, trade, create epic builds, and admire.

White-list & Requirements

Is this server for you? We are a mature community that has been around for a long time and are proud to say we've managed keep the griefing and other drama to a minimum. That said, we are looking mainly for 18+ members that are mature and get along well with others. However, we will be making exceptions to this rule because we feel it's not fair to judge someone on age alone. I'll be picking my favorite applications after careful review with server members, and having a short interview over Skype (video/voice is optional, but text chat is fine as well) just to make sure you are right for our community. I don't mean to come off as a strict, annoying admin by any means. The interviews will be short and fun, just to get a feel for your personality.


1) Cursing is allowed, racism or offending people in general is not.
2) No griefing, stealing, or killing (unless playfull of course, PVP is on).
3) Absolutely no cheating. Any dupe bugs or exploits should be reported to an admin.

Application:(Hint: Visually pleasing apps are my soft spot! =D)

Timezone: (optional)
Communication: (skype, etc.)
Feed The Beast experience:
Why I would like to join:
Are you an LPer, or would like to be:
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional)

Admins: Jeffroe888, Kucan


hello, quick questions.
1. is this a dedicated server, or is it running locally on someones computer?
2. is it 24/7?
3. when is the opening day?

Thank you.

Yes this is a dedicated server.

Yes it is 24/7.

Opening day was last Wednesday. No one is too far into anything just yet though, for instance we have not been to the end.
IGN: Jamerack
Timezone: CST
Communication: I have skype and TS3, but my mic doesnt work.
Feed The Beast experience: I've been playing FTB from the beginning, and before that, was playing Technic for a while.
Why I would like to join: I'm look for a small server, that has a friendly environment.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: No
Proudest Minecraft Moment: First time I found diamonds.
hello, quick questions.
1. is this a dedicated server, or is it running locally on someones computer?
2. is it 24/7?
3. when is the opening day?

Thank you.
Yes this is a dedicated server.

Yes it is 24/7.

Opening day was last Wednesday. No one is too far into anything just yet though, for instance we have not been to the end.

Sorry for not including these answers in the original post, I will edit it as soon as I'm out of work!
Age: 25
IGN: Raziel387
Timezone: (optional) EDT
Communication: (skype, etc.) Skype and anything wanted
Feed The Beast experience: Buildcraft, Ender Storage, Factorization, Forestry, IC2, Iron Chests, Railcraft, Thermal Expansion. Just kind of piecemealed the mods.
Why I would like to join: Would like to play with a good group of people and have some fun and not play solo. Most servers are too much over the top.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: Not an LPer but wouldn't mind doing it.
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional) Having an automated sorting/smelting/recycling system with quarry, logistics pipes and IC2/Buildcraft energy.
Age: 26
IGN: jpbirdsgong
Timezone: Central (U.S.)
Communication: skype, teamspeak
Feed The Beast experience: I've been playing since about the beginning of the Ultimate pack. I know pretty much all of the Ultimate mods except bees inside and out and can program basic to intermediate LUA; I've just learned Tinkers' and Dartcraft on another server.
Why I would like to join: I get my kicks in Minecraft from automation-- big builds that interconnect stuff from different mods together in clever ways. It's no fun to do by yourself, so I need a server, especially because that means everybody can enjoy the fruits of automation labor. Small servers tend to be more reliable and I like the community aspect: building an iron golem spanwer for everybody to use, for example. So I'd gladly contribute to the city near spawn.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: Unfortunately, no. Sorry if this is a deal-breaker-- I would be happy to participate in others' LPs or show off my builds in them.
Proudest Minecraft Moment: This crazy machine: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/automating-quest-ram.20424/. See page 2 of the thread for pics.
Timezone: GMT+1
Communication: Skype:tomislavfilipovic1
Feed The Beast experience:Have played FTB since it was first created.Also i have 8/10 knowledge with almost every mod
Why I would like to join:I would like to be a part of a community and i really like the idea of everyone starting in the same time.Also i like the idea of a hub city which sohuld be made in every server but sadly isn't.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be:I am currently not but i would like to be
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional)None yet but I am working on a display system
Age: 22
IGN: kr990
Timezone: (optional) Central (Canada)
Communication: (skype, etc.) Skype, TS.
Feed The Beast experience: Well I've been playing for about 9 months so far
Why I would like to join: This seems like the type of server I'm looking for.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: I'am considering it
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional) Created a fairly large sized village for npc's on a vanilla server a while back. Unfortunately I didn't think to take pictures at the time.
Age: 18
IGN: jimthebear2
Timezone: (optional): EST time (New England Area)
Communication: (skype, etc.): I have skype, but no mic
Feed The Beast experience: I played on an Ultimate server before, but everyone was so weird, especially this Jeffroe guy...
Why I would like to join: I'm bored.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: Neva
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional): When I found iridium
Age: 19
IGN: AwkwardJoe
Timezone: (optional) GMT+1
Communication: (skype, etc.) Teamspeak or skype
Feed The Beast experience: Have kept up with everything FTB-related since the first insanity map, and am quite familiar with all the mods. I've played on multiple servers before and have had countless worlds, and I look forward to doing it again.
Why I would like to join: I'm looking for a server where the community actually works together to progress in the game, rather than joining another game with 10+ people online and no communication whatsoever. I quite like the idea of a community-built spawn, and I feel like I can bring a lot of cool build ideas to the server.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: No, not at current time.
Proudest Minecraft Moment: Making my first gravity suit.
Sorry for the delayed response. I have been busy with IRL stuff. I'll be responding via PM to those that we have considered right now. Your application will be sent for reference.
16 (I am mature)
Timezone: (optional)
Communication: (skype, etc.)
Feed The Beast experience:
I have also played tekkit and some of the mods are simlar and a litle different. I have been playing tekkit for about 1 year+ and started playing FTB about 6 months ago. I havn't stopped playing it and I played Direwolf20 pack at first moved over to the Ultimate pack. I then decided to move to a 1.4.7 DireWolf20 server, then the pack was released and now I need a 1.5.2 server as it is more fun.
Why I would like to join:
I am looking for mature, fun, server to play on. I haven't been able to find one.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be:
Well, I would like to be a LPer but, I cannot I have the worse video card and all. I am building my own computer soon but until then not ATM.
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional)
Don't really have a proudest moment I would have to say building my first house in Minecraft in November, 2010.
Age: 19
IGN: AwkwardJoe
Timezone: (optional) GMT+1
Communication: (skype, etc.) Teamspeak or skype
Feed The Beast experience: Have kept up with everything FTB-related since the first insanity map, and am quite familiar with all the mods. I've played on multiple servers before and have had countless worlds, and I look forward to doing it again.
Why I would like to join: I'm looking for a server where the community actually works together to progress in the game, rather than joining another game with 10+ people online and no communication whatsoever. I quite like the idea of a community-built spawn, and I feel like I can bring a lot of cool build ideas to the server.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: No, not at current time.
Proudest Minecraft Moment: Making my first gravity suit.

Hello Joe! It seems your profile limits those who can see it. I have considered you to be added to the whitelist, but I don't want to post to much information to the public. If you don't mind allowing me to view your profile and send you PMs I'd be happy to respond to your app!
Hi there! My name is Dan and I'm 31. I live in BC, Canada and am obviously PST. I'm looking for a mature server located in North America. I joined a great server but unfortunately they are in France and I can't get over the transfer/ping lag :(

I am not an LPer but am willing to chat in TS or skype if others are recording :)

Proudest Minecraft moment is killing a creeper with a skeleton arrow thus obtaining a record!

Thank you for your consideration and I apologize for the disregard for your format...lol
Age: 18

IGN: darkreapa

Timezone: GMT (England)

Communication: Skype: darkreap3r

Feed The Beast experience: I have played FTB mod packs for about 4 months now, but before that I played tekkit about 2 months after it first came out.

Why I would like to join: I just recently left a server because of the immature admins and unreasonable rules. I am looking for a more mature server where I can just relax and play with people my age and above.

Are you an LPer, or would like to be: Not currently, but to be honest my voice wouldn't suit it, you'll probably understand if you hear my voice.

Why you should let me join: (Just a custom part I thought I should add) I'm a friendly, relaxed guy and I try my best to get on with other people that I meet. I do enjoy talking to other people, but I am not over-talkative. I can take a joke and have a laugh but can also be serious when it is needed. I have quite a good amount of experience with modpacks on minecraft, and I know nearly all mods in the current FTB Unleashed pack.
(Part 2)
I enjoy helping other people out when I can, and if anyone asks for help in chat I will be glad to give them a hand. I am not disrespectful in anyway, I only sometimes curse, and it is always due to the game :). I never take my anger out on other people, if I am angry, I go calm down for a bit.
Last edited:
Age: 19
IGN: netugi
Timezone: PST
Communication: Skype: haruhiism_monk, though I have no immediate intentions of voice/video chat. I'll consider voice though.
Feed The Beast experience: Fairly good, I played it exclusively for a few months a while back, but got bored. I wanna give it another spin with the new modpacks (I'd try Unhinged for the challenge, but its lack of computercraft disgusts me).
Why I would like to join: I've been playing vanilla for a while, and while I'm having a great time, I wanna throw in some variety, and so I wanna get back into FTB. I'll probably balance between both.
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: I can't see myself doing an LP, but if I have large build project ideas then I may showcase the progress and finished product of them.
Proudest Minecraft Moment:
Vanilla: Designing a high-yield overworld mob farm using unique mechanics.
FTB: Writing a turtle quarry program from scratch. It functioned to some extent, but kept on bugging out on me in some way or another. Maybe this time around I can get it right.

Other: On the vanilla server I'm on, I have some large build projects in mind, all locations in the Touhou Project universe. I may do the same kind of thing on this server, but with the really huge places (maybe Youkai Mountain or the depths of hell of Subterranean Animism), the ones that would simply be far too big for vanilla.
Not trying to be impatient but I am guessing I am not accepted?
Maybe, Maybe not. Jordan said he was busy with stuff IRL and the server just opened last Wednesday. Just be patient; If you don't get a PM by the time the thread is closed, then you can assume you didn't get in I guess.....
Age: 20
IGN: Juliangod14
Timezone: (optional)Central time zone
Communication: (skype, etc.)Skype Mumble TS vent (whatever voice communications you throw at me I will log on and mingle with the server)
Feed The Beast experience: Ultimate for 6months - Cant wait to see how fun it is without gregtech
Why I would like to join: I want to try out Unleashed!!
Are you an LPer, or would like to be: Although i'm not a LPer I'd love to be in your videos <3
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional) When I finally figured out Gregtech XD
Maybe, Maybe not. Jordan said he was busy with stuff IRL and the server just opened last Wednesday. Just be patient; If you don't get a PM by the time the thread is closed, then you can assume you didn't get in I guess.....
