Greylist Server [Ultimate/Unleashed+]*OniUltima*[SMP][24/7][50 Slots][Bukkit][Greylist][Free Build][3000+ Users]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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Oni Clan Gaming
We here at Oni Clan Gaming provide a 24/7 dedicated, enhanced survival multi-player experience with a great community, behaved players and amazing staff that uphold fun, fair and free gaming policies. We currently have three separate server choices to choose from. Semi-Vanilla server OniCraft, TerraFirmaCraft enabled OniTFC and an FTB Ulitmate/Private pack mix modified server called OniUltima. All are Bukkit/MCPC+ enabled with tons of easy access and free to use plugins such as GriefPrevention, Essentials and more. Whatever Minecraft interests you may have, you will be able to find them here, with others you can choose to enjoy them with, or not. It's all up to you how you live your SMP experience!

Who We're Looking For
We are looking for dedicated and active Minecraft players who can be mature and follow our rules. We have tons of regulars that play ever so often, and dedicated fans that play everyday. All are welcome on our servers and if you ever have a problem you can contact me(Camtaro) personally and I promise to return a message within one business day. We want to be the best server out there and we're looking for the best players to help make that happen. Our servers have been running for over a year, we have over 6500 user accounts in our databases and they continue to grow. If you are looking for a permanent home to settle roots on, Oni Clan Gaming has a server for you.

Donate For Sweet Perks
As stated above, we are not like other servers where donating is required to use basic features, though we do respectfully accept donations because without them this server simply wouldn't be possible and we reward users greatly with permanent perks. No monthly dedication is required, all donations are a one time charge to your account and you earn greater benefits with the more you spend to help perpetuate the continued life and stability of the server. If you're interested in becoming a clan donor, please visit our donate page. Thank you.


OniUltima Server IP: OniUltima.ServeGame.Com (Log in and try us out as a Guest! No Whitelist!)

OniUltima runs on the latest version of FTB Ultimate for Minecraft 1.4.7. OniUltima is a truly enhanced hard-mode SMP for FREE. The server uses a wide array of plugins (both external and custom built) to increase the features of Minecraft, while not totally eliminating the aspect of survival. We have a user-friendly ranking system for regular members, donors and staff.

OniUltima features:
  • Ultimate mods & more: chococraft, pam's harvestcraft, Touhou Items, more swords, zombie AI, etc.
  • Anti-greifing & prevention
  • Lockette for privating doors, chests & more
  • Vivid Dynmap for all worlds
  • No Lag (Yes no lag, if there ever is, we find it and kill it fast.)
  • Prize Winning Events (Win a Dragon Egg on OniCraft, get a Dragon Mount for all three servers!)
  • Exclusive Donor Perks
  • Much, much more...
How to apply for the Member rank and building permissions;

Before you apply make sure you understand our rules. Read the Oni Clan Gaming server rules

To apply, go to

Find out more and get the extra mods/configurations on the Oni Clan Gaming website

Age and Global Location? 15 USA, Oregon
Have you ever been banned before? In my early minecraft days for calling out abusive staff.
Why do you play SMP? Because I'm lonely ;)
You know this is a member application right? Yep
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since early alpha.
How did you find us? Can't remember.
What's your favorite color? The colour of a human body after explosive decompression.
Will you please make an account on our Website? Already have.
Anything else you want to add? Member of oniclan etc, hope this is where I was supposed to do this.
kalen2701 on oniclan and username.
Age and Global Location? 15 USA, Oregon
Have you ever been banned before? In my early minecraft days for calling out abusive staff.
Why do you play SMP? Because I'm lonely ;)
You know this is a member application right? Yep
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since early alpha.
How did you find us? Can't remember.
What's your favorite color? The colour of a human body after explosive decompression.
Will you please make an account on our Website? Already have.
Anything else you want to add? Member of oniclan etc, hope this is where I was supposed to do this.
kalen2701 on oniclan and username.

Added to members. Welcome to our FTB server.
In-Game Name: hazzapage1234
Age and Global Location? 15 Australia
Have you ever been banned before? no
Why do you play SMP? On all your servers and have been ever since we started
You know this is a member application right? yeah
How long have you been playing Minecraft? coming on 3 years now
How did you find us? was already on the server but I thought I should probably make an application
What's your favorite color? blue
Will you please make an account on our Website? Already have
Anything else you want to add? I am a mod on this server so if anyone that joins has questions you can direct them to me either through PM or in game :)
Age and Global Location?: 16 USA
Have you ever been banned before?: Nope!
Why do you play SMP?: Why would I not play SMP. Haha, its just much better.
You know this is a member application right?: Haha well if I did't before I do now! ( I did know it was)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Uhhh, good question. Honestly can't remember!
How did you find us?: Just stalking around the FTB forums!
What's your favorite color?: Haha, interesting choice in question. Whats your favorite color? Mines blue!
Will you please make an account on our Website?: Depends..... Do I get whitelisted?
Anything else you want to add?: Hope to see you on the server! By the way might want to add a part to this that ask your in game name!
My in game name is TheLastBlacGuy
uhhh so you guys are on 1.1.0 right? Cause every time i try and join i get forge mod loader could not connect blah blah blah logisticspipes:main : . Do i need to go install this myself.

Then i thought maybe i need to force update so i did and now i cant reach server....

What am i doing wrong here?
Okay well I dunno if Im dumb or dumb.... haha but um i download it then i extract the folder into my C:\Users\Solomon\Desktop\Ultimate\minecraft folder as the the site said. Then i made sure i was on 1.1.0 ultimate and then launched FTB then i re did IP. Now I cant even reach to the server when I am updated to 1.1.0.... but when im on like 1.0.1 I can reach the server but i cant join cause im missing mods.

Sorry for being difficult
Do not worry nothing is wrong with you it is the server. the file you downloaded contained some additional mods which are being added now so you may have to just check back soon to see if it is finished.
Alright thanks! haha You should post up there that they need to download that folder. As i had no clue. But thank you for the help! Please just post on here and let me know when the server is all good!
Thanks again for the help!
Sorry bout that bud.. We're actually just testing this out today. We're not sure if we're going to keep the added mods. If we do, we'll update the post and have it moved to private packs.
No biggy Camtaro! Definitely move it to private packs though. Cause some people are just too lazy to go and do all the work of installing a custom pack sometimes! haha But let me know what happens. Still looking for a server home but havent found a good server yet!
In-Game Name? - Sackdragon
Why do you play SMP? To socialize and have fun with others
You know this is a member application right? - Yes
How long have you been playing Minecraft? - almost 2 years
How did you find us? - I came across your vanila server whilst googling for servers
What's your favorite color? - Blue
Will you please make an account on our Website? - I already have
Anything else you want to add?In-Game Name? - Not really, no.
In-Game Name? jp_michel
Age and Global Location? 18,Canada, Ont.
Have you ever been banned before? Yes,greifing in tekkit about a year ago...learned my lesson.
Why do you play SMP?To learn more myself,teach others and make realistic looking builds/towns
You know this is a member application right?hell yea!
How long have you been playing Minecraft?since 09 or 2010
How did you find us?i was looking for recent Ftb ult servers.
What's your favorite color?green
Will you please make an account on our Website?yes i will
Anything else you want to add?In-Game Name...see yea soon :)
In-Game Name? jp_michel
Age and Global Location? 18,Canada, Ont.
Have you ever been banned before? Yes,greifing in tekkit about a year ago...learned my lesson.
Why do you play SMP?To learn more myself,teach others and make realistic looking builds/towns
You know this is a member application right?hell yea!
How long have you been playing Minecraft?since 09 or 2010
How did you find us?i was looking for recent Ftb ult servers.
What's your favorite color?green
Will you please make an account on our Website?yes i will
Anything else you want to add?In-Game Name...see yea soon :)

Added! Welcome.

As for Sackdragon, you gotta log in at least one time to be able to get promoted from guests to members.