Cool contraptions to build

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No idea. I have not poked at the farms since a few updates back. But when I get off work I'll look at it. I'm sure there is some way that does not require GT to do it.

If I remember correctly, without GT, the only way to make Fertilizer is with Apatite. Or maybe something else, but in either case, I remember checking and it wasn't renewable.
If I remember correctly, without GT, the only way to make Fertilizer is with Apatite. Or maybe something else, but in either case, I remember checking and it wasn't renewable.

Even if its not have you SEEN the new apatite spawns? a little mining will have you set for life.
Even if its not have you SEEN the new apatite spawns? a little mining will have you set for life.

Agreed. No Fortune is multiple stacks. Still, I like trying to design systems that require no external input whatsoever other than startup costs.
No idea. I have not poked at the farms since a few updates back. But when I get off work I'll look at it. I'm sure there is some way that does not require GT to do it.

Mulch can be gotten in a variety of ways. From a % Chance out of squeezing Apples (40%) in a Squeezer, Walnuts also have a 5% Chance to get mulch, and the Moistener can be used to produce Mulch from Wheat, while also being able to make Mossy Cobble/Bricks, and Mycelium.

Mulch can be used as a substitute to Fertilizer in Fermenters to produce Biomass, which can be used to generate MJ in a Biogas Engine. The Apple Juice you've gotten from squeezing yoru apples can be used in the Fermenter as well, to increase it's efficiency, which, along with using Mulch, makes it able to produce much more Biomass per operation and per mulch. NICE!

How convenient that Apple Oaks make everything you need for you to be able to continually operate your farms...
Agreed. No Fortune is multiple stacks. Still, I like trying to design systems that require no external input whatsoever other than startup costs.

I can enjoy that sort of build. But I'm not about to suggest someone go out of there way and add another mode (especialy one that has so much of a love/hate).

Worst comes to worst I would point someone towards one of the other automated farm paths before suggesting GT just for the furtilizer.[DOUBLEPOST=1363568297][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mulch can be gotten in a variety of ways. -SNIP-

Mulch can be used as a substitute to Fertilizer in Fermenters to produce Biomass, -SNIP-

Can't you still use compost? 4 wheat + 1 dirt?
Try watching Etho, he'd good at building things.

My ultimate goal (once I'm done with everything else) is to build a humongous Milk factory filled full iron tanks of milk. I think you should make an apple juice factory.
Not in a multifarm. Fertilizer.

"Though compost and mulch can both replace fertilizer anywhere else, only phosphorous fertilizer ground from apatite gems statisfies these needs of a farm." - From Forestry Wiki.

Yes, it seems you are right. No using Mulch on Multifarms. That DEFINITELY throws a wrench into everything i said. I'm just hoping Sengir will give other uses for Mulch, or substitute it for something else, because if he replaces the old farms with the Multifarms completely, there will be absolutely no need for Mulch anymore... Zero. Well, not actually zero, still a use in Fermenters.

Do any of the mods even add a way of generating Apatite from something else? Nothing on the FTB Wiki. Hell, it even says it's going to remove the ash + sand recipe = fertilizer, so it will definitely become a finite resource. Well, in a way, at least. You can still quarry to your heart's content in Mystcraft Ages and create new ones when you get bored...
How would you get renewable Fertilizer?

I've done some extensive testing with saltpeter and here are my conclusion, it may not be 100 % accurate, but it is enough for building a generator. Railcraft saltpeter regenerates if a few conditions are met:
  • There is bedrock like block, saltpeter spawner in given column. Where there is newly generated saltpeter, there are this spawners. They spawn in quite large clusters on lowest level of world, however they can be moved by portal gun.
  • It will only generate in second topmost block in this column.
  • This block must be sand.
  • Block on top also must be sand.
  • It must sit on sand or sandstone.
  • From the sides at least 3 blocks must be either sand, sandstone or salt peter ore, fourth block may be air, but can't be piston or water.
It doesn't spawn very quickly, but there are quite a few of this spawners in one area. Here are my tries at automation, rather successful:


This is simple setup, showing example of conditions required to spawn it. Nothing else to say about it, except that it is really slow.


Here is main production. It is mainly 3 layers of sand laid down by filler and harvested by quarry after some time. If quarry harvest any of the two corners of the bottom layer, it is deactivated and filler is activated. If filler starts filling 4th layer it is deactivated. Quarry is activated if energy cell powering it is full. In the time that previous setup gathered 6 pieces of saltpeter, this one harvested 11 stacks.
So what do these "saltpeter spawners" look like? How will I know when I've reached one? If I find saltpeter, I dig straight down, then where would I stop?

They look like bedrock and behave like bedrock and spawn where bedrock is. So you stop on bedrock that have other name in NEI highlight mode.Most of them will probably be under normal bedrock if you don't have flat bedrock installed.
Oh! Well that seems like more work than your average Enderpearl to fertilizer setup, but seems way more fun and you can make your house look like it's covered in bedrock!
e g
But your house WOULD be covered in Bedrock. *faints*
You should make your own thread about this, it'd be great for direwolf fans who don't play ulti or mindcrack, and still want to use forestry. I know I'll be giving forestry anotherrn chance, but that will have to come after my computer is able to handle early game automation (e.g: a hopper running into a pulverizer into a powered furnace with a chest) without drastic loss of FPS!
Damn, i didn't know about this Saltpeter stuff. Definitely sounds like a lot of work to make it work though... Quarry all the way down to bedrock, gravity gun to lay it down in the proper way. Damn.

Also, what did you mean with enderpearl to fertilizer? How do you go about doing that?
You don't have to get this saltpeter spawning blocks, they can be left underground (and should, I'd consider portal/gravity gun an exploit). This quarry setup was placed on natural saltpeter spawning ground and it works very well (I have 44 stacks already and I build it 2 days ago in SSP).
Zjarek, this is awesome. Screw fertilizer, Potassium and Nitrogen for days.

Tech, potassium is used for coolant cells for a few recipes like Superconductors and Overclockers. More importantly: Nitrogen > Glyceryl > Nitro Diesel (400k eu / can @ 12/t).

If I remember correctly, without GT, the only way to make Fertilizer is with Apatite. Or maybe something else, but in either case, I remember checking and it wasn't renewable.
Wrong. You can make fertilizer with ash, getting 2 fertilizer per ash. However, to get ash, you need to create peat bog. So you can make fertilizer a renewable thing, it's just preety hard. Also: I am thinking of a self-sufficient base, that has a mob spawner (for minium), tree farm, Thaumcraft alchemy area (transmutating metals), peat bog, peat engine, and it will never run out of resources. BUT I need Nikolite and Redstone to be renewable. Damn...
Wrong. You can make fertilizer with ash, getting 2 fertilizer per ash. However, to get ash, you need to create peat bog. So you can make fertilizer a renewable thing, it's just preety hard. Also: I am thinking of a self-sufficient base, that has a mob spawner (for minium), tree farm, Thaumcraft alchemy area (transmutating metals), peat bog, peat engine, and it will never run out of resources. BUT I need Nikolite and Redstone to be renewable. Damn...
Redstone has several ways of being renewable my favorite being a massive amount of IC2 red wheat. Both can be made from UU matter with GT installed though.
just to clarify as it isn't entirely clear from Hoff's post, Redstone is renewable from vanilla IC2 UU matter, and Nikolite from Gregtechs aditional UU recipes.
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Wrong. You can make fertilizer with ash, getting 2 fertilizer per ash. However, to get ash, you need to create peat bog. So you can make fertilizer a renewable thing, it's just preety hard. Also: I am thinking of a self-sufficient base, that has a mob spawner (for minium), tree farm, Thaumcraft alchemy area (transmutating metals), peat bog, peat engine, and it will never run out of resources. BUT I need Nikolite and Redstone to be renewable. Damn...
Actually, I think that's what people are talking about - that recipe was removed recently.
That said, if you're using any of the packs, I think Thaumic Bees has a way to make fertilizer. It uses Vis, obviously, but it is renewable if you set up enough crystal clusters.
(And anyway, it's not like you'll really need to create fertilizer that often.)
As people have alluded to, you could also use the GT chemical reactor to help you out, I think.
Thaumic Bees will also allow you to make your own shards... but then you're probably planning on setting up a village inside your base anyhow.